My formula fed 10 week old has always had long feeds - anout an hour each time. Whether day or night. Of course as he takes more ounces it’s getting longer. He seems to play with the nipple a lot in his mouth. I would think maybe it’s developmental but he’s kind of always done it besides the barely conscious one-ounce-at-time early newborn days. It does seem to have gotten “worse” though.
He’s a very slow drinker and any time you place the nipple in his mouth it almost seems like he has trouble getting his tongue and mouth to the right position to suck. But once he does his sucking is fine.

Weight gain is great so I know he’s getting enough and it’s not like he’s NOT eating at all. So I’m not worried per se. It’s more of an....annoyance? Haha. It’s just hard that every feeding we have to set aside a full hour at least. Sometimes 1.5 hours because we have to stop and give a long break or he needs multiple breaks. My older son was never like this. He sucked the bottle down quickly - a half hour max including burping.

I guess I’m wondering how common this is, if it is outgrown, if it’s just personality, or if there might be an underlying reason? I could ask my Ped but like I said I’m not really “worried” so it doesn’t feel important enough to call. We have 2 more weeks till his next appt.