Were they super-supportive? Or did they resent it a little bit? Did they think you were putting it on?

You see, DH and I just had words... I want to understand and support him but I'm also feeling pretty hard done to...

Yesterday, I had nasty cramps (I'm 4+2 today) and I was terrified something was going wrong. Today, the cramps have eased up but in their place is extreme tiredness and a ravishing hunger that makes me feel queasy if I don't eat, like, constantly. Honestly, I'm delighted! But it's pretty exhausting being at work all day feeling like this!

So, when I came in from work, I lay on the bed. Long story short, DH came in and was really grumpy After a mini-rant about all the things that were making him grumpy (he's tired because he had a cold two weeks ago, his feet hurt from his medical condition, he's behind on his uni work, we've not been to the gym much this week) he finally came out with it "I guess what's bothering me is I'm scared you're going to be like this for the next 9 months". I asked "Like what" and he replied "Tired all the time and being a drama queen".

I am a drama queen, we all know that, but surely I'm allowed to be tired??

I then asked him why he doesn't seem to be excited about the pregnancy. He's not - he hardly reacted when I told him the news and whenever I try to talk to him about it, he switches off (and plays with his phone, usually). He said that he's not going to let himself get excited until he's 100% sure we're having a take home baby because he was so cut up about our m/c.

I get it, I get that he's worried - so am I - but I'm also really happy and I want him to be, too. I get that he doesn't want to get excited too soon but I am- and I'm scared and I'm having crazy symptoms and I need my partner-in-crime to be there with me, every step of the way. And I'm sorry but I do feel tired today - and a little bit sick (hungry, tired sick not ms - that's to come!).

I've had a little cry to myself (while he's at the gym) and now I'm trying to be reasonable and to understand how he must be feeling. Did anyone here go through this??