I never considered DD (now 2) a "bad" sleeper but I knew she wasn't great either! She napped 30-45 mins at a time as an infant did STTN at times by 3 months but needed rocking or nursing to fall asleep which I know is completely normal at 3 months and younger!

Fast forward to DS 12 weeks next week...
He is I think AMAZING! Actually so good I almost question it.....lol
He naps 2-3 hrs at a time and puts himself to sleep sucks thumb can nap longer too if I don't wake him

Sleeps 7 p.m-4/5 a.m. at night and has done 12hrs
Again I think his thumb has a lot to do with it I hear him suck at night, and back out he goes no crying at all!
He is 16lbs HUGE and so happy, is up for 45-90 mins at a time! He is normal right?! ....I feel like some days all he does is sleep!