DD (7 months) is a really rashy baby. She has eczema and just seems to have sensitive skin. She gets diaper rashes, drool rashes, and heat rash really easily/frequently.

The past couple days she's had some eczema type spots on her chin which I assumed were from drooling. Her 2 bottom teeth just broke through the gums so there's been a lot of drool. Today I fed her some raw apple and it seems like the rash on her chin got worse within a couple hours. She's had applesauce and other purees made with apples without a problem and even sucked on our apples in the past so I'd be surprised if it were an apple allergy but who knows. I read raw apple can cause oral symptoms if there's a pollen allergy.

But Google shows me this rash also looks similar to a teething rash...

Either way I'm going to avoid apples till it clears up.

Anyone have thoughts on what it looks like?