Hellobee Boards


Any May 2013 mommies out there?

  1. Cupcake

    apricot / 495 posts

    @maybebaby: Charlie and mason were are top!! I have to tell you... There were 4 Mason's born with we were in the hospital, And our first trip to the ped there was a Mason. Mason is everywhere!

  2. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    @Cupcake: woah! That's a lot of Masons. My middle name is my mother's maiden name which is Mason--that is why it is on our list. So crazy how popular it's become!

  3. emg86

    persimmon / 1153 posts

    Our sweet girl arrived a day before her due date on May 4th! I was able to have a homebirth after 8.5 hours of labor from start to finish. She was 8lbs. .05oz. and 21" long with a head full of hair. We're so glad she's finally here and now I'm working on adjusting to my new mama schedule that doesn't involve a lot of sleep

    Congrats to all of the mamas on the new May babies!

  4. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @emg86: Hooray, congratulations! Would love to hear more about your homebirth story sometime - you are superwoman! How is everything else going now that you're a few weeks in?!

    Here's an update with our May mamas:

    Babes already here:

    Septemberlove: EDD 5/16, baby boy, born 4/14
    Autumnlove: EDD 5/2, baby girl, born 4/25
    Cupcake: EDD 5/2, baby boy, born 5/2
    EMG86: EDD 5/5, baby girl, born 5/4
    Mauri: EDD 5/4, baby boy (Jack Aidan!), born 5/9
    Jojogirl: EDD 5/23, baby girl, born 5/11 (?)

    Waiting to meet...

    Mrsbookworm: EDD 5/7, boy
    Happyjax: EDD 5/14, team green
    Mjane: EDD 5/17, girl
    Anniegurumi: EDD 5/20, boy
    Mrs. Lovejoy: EDD 5/22, girl
    Maybebaby: EDD 5/24, boy
    Mssally: EDD 5/25, girl

    There were a few early May (Mrs. Bookworm, HappyJax, Mjane) - how are you guys doing? I'm assuming a few of you have had your LOs?! Hope everything is wonderful!

  5. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    @emg86: congratulations!! Would love to hear your home birth story.

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: happy due date day! How are you feeling? My due date is fri and DH and I have planned a special due date date to take our minds off the waiting...though I'd be happy for baby to crash the date!

  6. emg86

    persimmon / 1153 posts

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: Thank you! Things are going pretty well. I can't complain. I'm trying to adjust to my new mama schedule which doesn't involve a lot of sleep. Happy due date day to you! She'll be here any day now so try to enjoy these last few days

    @maybebaby: Thank you! You're getting so close to meeting your sweet boy!

  7. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @maybebaby: thank you!! It's tough passing the due date, but I know it will be soo soon! You're smart to have a planned date night on Friday, that will help a lot!!

    @emg86: ah, the sleep is one of my biggest worries. How do you cope? Are you drinking any caffeine or taking naps or something? Glad things are going well

  8. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: ohh I just found out there is a full moon this weekend!!! Perhaps we'll both have full moon babies

  9. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @maybebaby: oh that would be fantastic! Anything to avoid an induction at this point!

  10. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    Had a midwife apt today and we scheduled an induction date in case baby doesn't come on his own--so crazy to know that by June 5 LO will be on his way if not before then! She did a check and head is low and engaged and I am 1 cm dilated. Between the stormy weather we are having this weekend and the full moon, I am hoping something happens soon. However, DH's little brother is graduating on Saturday an hour and a half away on Saturday and it would be nice to make it to that...either way, something to look forward to

  11. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @maybebaby: That's so exciting! While you probably don't want to be induced, its still so nice to have an end date in sight!

    I woke up around midnight to contractions and they've been pretty consistent for the past 6 hours, but I have a feeling they're starting to wane. It makes me really sad because I really had my hopes up! We're going to take a walk and see if they progress or get less consistent.

  12. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: ahhh omg!! I hope they pick up for you and that this is it. Looks like you could have that full moon baby after all! I definitely do not want to be induced but you're right, I am glad to have an end in sight.

  13. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: I had to peek over here and check in on you too! Have your contractions picked up any or are they still waning?

  14. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @grizz: they are a bit sporadic! I have no idea what's going on. How are things going for you?!

  15. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    Congrats to all the new mommies and May babies!!!!

  16. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: The same as last night! Cramping and dizziness. No real change. Such a tease!

  17. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    Mmmk definitely just lost my mucus plug. Trying not to get my hopes up!!

  18. Mrs. Schoolbus

    blogger / apricot / 349 posts

    @mayebaby @mrs.lovejoy @grizz how are you ladies doing? my due date was thursday according to an ultrasound but i've been going by today as my due date because they didn't tell me it was 5/23 until a month ago! lol.. i had a membrane sweep on tuesday. had some light bleeding/bloody show. lost my mucus plug on thursday. but still pregnant. i took a long walk yesterday which made gave me some cramps/contractions for a little bit but still nothing! now i'm just sitting on an exercise ball. hope you ladies are hanging in there!!

  19. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    @mssally: Happy due date day! Have you gotten the zillion texts/calls "is baby here yet?" It is sweet, I know people are just excited, but I am tired of fielding all these inquiries! Haha. I lost the plug yesterday after a check on Thursday, but no membrane sweep--did it hurt? Since the plug, nothing exciting has happened, though I am overanalyzing every little crampy twinge!

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: I am slightly curious as to what you are up to, miss!! You have been quiet Hoping this means you are off to L&D!

    Any other waiting moms feel like they will be pregnant forever? Almost all the other moms (19 out of 22!!) of my wedding bee May due date facebook group have their babies, and it feels like he will NEVER get here. I know that is absurd and that of course he will be here soon (and at the latest by June 5!), but I am still lamenting the lack of baby for the time being

  20. Mrs. Schoolbus

    blogger / apricot / 349 posts

    @maybebaby Thank you! I've gotten texts, phone calls, FB messages since Thursday! I missed a phone call from my mom and when I returned the call, she thought I was at the hospital. The membrane sweep is like the pelvic check but hurts more because they go in deeper. (tmi) I've been experiencing twinges and cramps here and there but nothing else. The waiting is excruciating! Everyone says enjoy the last few weeks/days of being pregnant but how can you. LOL

    Hope we both see our LO's soon!!!

  21. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    Just coming to update!! Seriously missing out on sleep, but for a really good reason! Baby girl was born 5/25 at 12:34am. Will share the birth story later, but in short after laboring at home for 21 hours, we made it to the hospital just in time. By the time the midwife was there to check me it was time to push!

    I just got my first full hour of sleep in 48 hours and breastfeeding is a steep learning curve. We can all do it though ladies!!

  22. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: OH MY GOODNESS congratulations!!! She is so beautiful! I can't wait to hear about your labor and the first few days of her life. She already looks so alert and intelligent!

  23. Mrs. Lovejoy

    clementine / 972 posts

    @maybebaby: Any updates!?

  24. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: Hiya momma!! How are you and your little beauty doing? I hope you're both well, I can't wait to hear more!

    I had a midwife apt today at 40w5d and she did a membrane sweep. I was pretty pleased with how well I coped--I was anxious about it, but it really wasn't that bad! We've been going on walks, having sexy time, bouncing on the ball--nothing that feels promising is going on though. Still holding out for a May baby so praying I go into labor today or tomorrow and have him by Friday. But if he needs to wait to June for some reason, I will try to be patient I have an acupuncture apt this afternoon--maybe the sweep combined with that and some loving on the husband will do the trick tonight?

  25. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    How are the May ladies doing? I am writing to you from 41 weeks. Boo!! Nothing new to report...

  26. mrsbookworm

    pear / 1823 posts

    Congratulations to all the May mommies and babies! Sorry to be MIA for so long. Baby Nathan was born on May 5 and I've been adjusting to life as a mom ever since. I wound up having a c-section so the recovery was a little long, but we're both doing really well now!

  27. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    @mrsbookworm: Congratulations!!!

  28. Mrs. Schoolbus

    blogger / apricot / 349 posts

    Hi May mamas! Just wanted to let you all know that Amelia Grace was born on Monday, May 27 at 12:46pm after 9 1/2 hours of labor. It has been a great week of getting to know her. She is a good sleeper and eater. I hope to share my birth story with y'all soon too.

  29. mjane

    apricot / 444 posts

    Hi All! Baby girl was born May 21 at 7:51 am after just a few hours of fast and furious labor. She's two weeks old today and is eating like a champ--and up until last night she was sleeping like a champ, too! Hope she reverts back to that and that last night's shenanigans aren't her new MO. Either way, though, she is super cute and we'll definitely keep her! more to come!

    Picture was taken last night... She's already grown a huge amt! (7 lbs 11 oz at birth.)

  30. mjane

    apricot / 444 posts

    @mssally: ahhhh, cuteness! Congrats!

  31. mjane

    apricot / 444 posts

    @Mrs. Lovejoy: she is ADORABLE! Congrats, and hang in there. You will sleep again someday, promise!

  32. anniegurumi

    cherry / 174 posts

    omg ladies! it's been a crazy two weeks here! our little son was born may 21st and he is healthy as can be! he's a cluster feeder and sometimes nurses for two hours at a time. (i'm so tired!)

    but we're all good in the household here! here is him yesterday, being a little dr. evil like.

    i'm pretty sure i'm going to need some advice about how to get him to drink more milk during the day and less at night. lol hope everyone is well! xoxo

  33. mjane

    apricot / 444 posts

    @anniegurumi: congrats!!! He is so adorable--and shares a bday with my LO!

  34. anniegurumi

    cherry / 174 posts

    @mjane: Congratulations to you too We have LO bday twins.

    How is everyone? I feel like I finally got the hang of things and then BAM my boobs are engorged. LOL It was awful, i had fever, chills, body ache and my boobs were hot. But then my midwife told me to get in a hot shower, massage and get rid of that milk and it REALLY made me feel better.

  35. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @anniegurumi: I'm right there with you...my daughter doesn't like eating a lot during the day!

  36. Cupcake

    apricot / 495 posts

    How's everyone doing!? Can't believe are babes are 2 months old already!!!

    C is 11lbs 11 oz (50%) and 23 1/2" long (75%) now! 2 month shots were terrible, for me

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  37. mrsbookworm

    pear / 1823 posts

    @cupcake: C is adorable. We had our 2 month shots yesterday - not fun! N is 13lbs and 23 3/4 inches. I can't believe how big he's getting...

  38. Mommytotwois

    apricot / 346 posts

    Hey ladies! Can we start a May 2013 babies thread?? Congratulations to all of you My LO's birthday is 5/15

  39. Kimberlybee

    grapefruit / 4997 posts

    @mssally: Your baby is so cute! Her smile reminds me of my sweet baby girl. Just found this May mommy thread now.

  40. Kimberlybee

    grapefruit / 4997 posts

    @Mommytotwois: Yes a May 2013 baby thread please. Wished I could have found this thread while I was pregnant.

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