Hellobee Boards


April 2015 Mamas!

  1. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @meredithNYC: SO beyond over it

  2. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    Sorryeveryone,posted in the announcement board

  3. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    @Marionberry: Your babes are sooo cute! I can't wait to hold my little boy, too. My EDD is Wednesday, and it feels so crazy to be in the home stretch.

    @Loki: So glad you got your private room afterwards. Glad the epidural has been working for you. I hope you're already busy admiring your little girl.

    @Neekierose: Good luck tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you while I'm in my very last (hopefully) prenatal yoga class and doctor's appt.

    @As Time Goes By: @MeredithNYC: I am almost ashamed to admit that I bought 2 new maternity shirts just over a week ago because I was sick of everything I had. One was a sweater (cause it was still soooo cold) so I can't even pretend like I'll wear it for long PP. I miss pretty clothes, too!

    @Boopers: Did you get a choice of an induction date? My doc has said that she would let me go to NLT 10 days past my due date, but I'm not sure if that's the latest or that's when she schedules it. I'll ask tomorrow, but hopefully it won't come to it.

  4. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @Astro Bee: The latest my doctor will allow me to go is 41 weeks. She scheduled the induction for exactly 41 weeks.

  5. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    @Boopers: 41+3 seems really long to me, so I'm glad you'll be induced at 40 weeks. Hopefully we'll both wake up on Wednesday morning with contractions!

  6. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @Boopers: ooh, very exciting! That's great that you'll be wrapping up work soon!!

    @Astro Bee: my doc also said 41 weeks is the longest they'll let me go too, but hoping I don't get there. I'm ready!

    @neekierose: will be thinking of you tomorrow! Can't wait to hear updates and see your sweet girl!!!!

    39 weeks tomorrow and am looking forward to our appointment! So hoping that I'm dilated! DH & I decided we're going to bring our hospital bags with us in the car (my doctor's office is at the hospital) just in case. Likely just wishful thinking on our end, but you never know!

  7. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    39 week appointment went well today. Baby is healthy and doing great. Unfortunately though I'm not dilated at all, which bummed me out a little bit. I keep reminding myself that a healthy baby is what's most important and that I can definitely wait another week or two if need be! My doctor said that if he's still not here at my 40 week appointment next week then we'll go ahead and schedule an induction for sometime between 40 and 41 weeks. Hopefully he makes his grand appearance before then!

  8. As Time Goes By

    apricot / 346 posts

    @SunshineMcC: I'm glad baby is doing well, but sorry there is no progress. At least you have a plan and can start counting down... You will have your baby in less than 2 weeks!

  9. As Time Goes By

    apricot / 346 posts

    @Astro Bee: my midwives will encourage me to go to 41+3 if me and baby are healthy. It seems to be the standard in BC. At 41+0 I'll start getting daily NSTs if he isn't here. That might make me ask for an earlier induction over being pregnant for an extra 3 days!

  10. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    Had my 40 week appt today at 39w6d, right after my prenatal yoga class (it's down the hall at the hospital, so very convenient). The instructor and other women were really surprised to see me, but it was just what I needed. I just hope I won't be available for next week's class!

    Anyway, my doctor confirmed that baby had dropped. My pelvis and hips are pretty sore now. She also had me schedule an ultrasound (a biophysical profile) for tomorrow. which tests the health of the baby, placenta, amniotic fluid level, etc. It goes into much more detail than a non-stress test. If I don't end up scoring high enough, the technician will refer me to triage, so I'll be bringing my hospital bag with me just in case. If it's all good, then it's back to the waiting game, with an induction date not to be set before 41w3d.

    @SunshineMcC: Glad to hear that your appt went well today. It's too bad you're not dilated (I have no idea if I am or not), but remember that dilation can progress very quickly or stay stalled at a few cms for weeks, so it's not a really reliable indicator of impending labour. In any case, I'm sure you'll be holding your little bambino before you know it!

  11. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    @As Time Goes By: I wonder if it's the standard in ON, too. Glad to know someone else in Canada is being told the same thing. It just seemed really long to me. Hopefully you won't need to wait until then, either.

  12. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    @SunshineMcC: I'm sorry - it's totally okay to feel bummed about the lack of progression. If it makes you feel any better, I am 2 weeks behind you and got just as crabby when I wasn't dilated last week at my appointment. I didn't truly expect to be, but still - I was not happy, lol.

  13. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @SunshineMcC: fwiw, my friend had a baby last year and got told at her 39w appt that she was not dilated at all, and she cried all afternoon and did not go back to work after her appt bc she was just so upset and over it. Then her contractions started that night and her water broke at like 1am.

  14. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @As Time Goes By: @PrincessBaby: @meredithNYC: @Astro Bee: thanks everyone! I'm feeling lots better tonight, back to just looking forward to meeting him. Great to remember that things could change very quickly, and that he'll definitely be here within 2 weeks at the latest! Thanks for your support! Hugs!

  15. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @Astro Bee: glad to hear baby dropped! I've been having ultrasounds weekly to check baby's position and amnio levels, which has been really reassuring, in addition to the NST. Good luck and keep us posted! Glad to hear you had a good yoga class!

    @meredithNYC: definitely okay to be cranky no matter what stage you're at!

  16. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    I don't think my midwives do cervical checks, maybe if you're over due, I'll have to ask at my appointment today.

    I had a massage yesterday, which was great but all last night and today I've had period cramping. It was enough last night to make it hard to sleep through it. I hope it's a sign things are moving forward and not a sign in going to be like this for the next 2+weeks!

    I'm going to ask my midwife about it today at my 38 weeks appointment but is anyone else getting these?

  17. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    Umm... Hi!! I've been lurking on and off during my pregnancy and it's official. I'll definitely be an April mama now! I hope you guys don't mind me jumping in here. I'm 40wks 2days today and ready to get this baby boy out. I'm looking forward to getting to know you ladies better and sharing some newborn experiences soon.

  18. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    @yellowbird: Welcome! Hey, now we're all officially going to be April mamas (those of us who are still waiting that is- for such a small group, we had a lot of us give birth in March!)

  19. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @PawPrints: thank you!! I'm the last one left in my March group! I have an induction set up on April 6 if nothing happens before then.

    Have lots of contractions every night but they keep tapering off after a couple hours. It's such a mind game!

  20. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @yellowbird: Welcome! This is a really great group of ladies and we're so happy to add one more.

    The lack of sleep with twins is insane. And on top of that I'm fighting what I'm pretty sure is bronchitis. But on the flip side my boys are amazing and I can't wait for each of you to get to meet your lo's!

  21. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @marionberry: thanks mama! I can't even imagine the sleep deprivation with twins. You are definitely a supermom. I actually just got over my third bout of strep throat and had bronchitis on top of it too. I got a rx cough syrup that really helped. Hope you can get some relief

  22. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    My ultrasound this morning went very well. Baby is measuring at 7 lbs 8 oz, and is perfectly positioned (head down, facing my spine, and straight down the centre line). I didn't get a length estimate, but the ultrasound technician said there was no problem with my placenta, amnio level, or anything else. You were right, @SunshineMcC, it is really reassuring to see and hear.

    @Yellowbird: Welcome to the group, although sorry to hear that you're past your due date. Today is mine and @Boopers. I spent the rest of the day out shopping and walking around with my mom, and everyone I met was surprised that I was out and about. My feet are sore, but the last couple of very active days haven't brought on any contractions.

    @Marionberry: I hope you feel better soon, and that you are able to get as much sleep as you can. I think I'm coming down with a cold now, too - sore throat and ears and runny nose - not what I want with a newborn expected any day!

    @Banana330: I'm glad you got your massage (they are so amazing this late), and hope that your cramps are a sign of baby's imminent arrival!

  23. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @yellowbird: welcome! I hope your little one decides to show up soon!!

    Happy Birth Month to those of us still cooking! I'm so incredibly excited!

  24. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Astro Bee: thanks they don't seem to be. Hopefully all your walking around is helping!

    @yellowbird: welcome hopefully your babe shows up soon!

    I asked my midwife how late before they induce, she said 41w3d is the earliest assuming everything is still going well. And 42 is latest. I'm really hoping I don't get to that point!

  25. Mrs.Pinecone316

    persimmon / 1316 posts

    @Banana330: I have had period like cramps on and off since 35 weeks. Still here at 38 weeks so it hasn't really meant anything for me but I know this does mean labor for a lot of people.

    @yellowbird: Welcome!

    @marionberry: I can imagine! Hope you feel better too. My husband got really sick the last couple days so hoping baby girl stays put until he is all better and that I don't get sick now too.

  26. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @yellowbird: @Astro Bee: @Mrs.Pinecone316: Yes, a c-section and a cough do not pair well but I'm mostly concerned I'm going to get a baby sick. Praying all of you don't have to deal with the same worry.

  27. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @yellowbird: welcome!!! I hope your baby comes soon

    @Astro Bee: happy due date! Everyone at work is very surprised I'm still there and my boss is very nervous every day I come in! Thankfully tomorrow will be my last day before baby! I still feel the same as I've been feeling, so I think he'll be hanging out for a while!

  28. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    @Boopers: Happy due date to you, too! I figure baby's been playing an April Fool joke on us, thinking he'd actually come today. Glad you're almost done with work. Bosses can be so funny! Mine was nervous for the last couple of weeks I was at work. Today I got asked about a dozen times when my baby was due, and everyone reacted with shock when i said today - like they were hoping I wouldn't go into labour in their store/restaurant. I hope your little boy arrives soon!

  29. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @Astro Bee: yes!!! That's the same reaction I got from everyone at work too! How have you been feeling?

  30. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @yellowbird: hi! welcome, welcome! I had some intense contractions last night for about an hour as well, and then they just stopped - it IS such a mind game, and I feel like they're exhausting - my whole body was aching after they stopped! Exciting to hear that your induction is scheduled!

    @marionberry: So glad to hear the boys are amazing! I love seeing pictures of them - they are just adorable. Sorry to hear you're struggling with sleep AND getting sick - hopefully it passes soon. You are a warrior!!

    @Astro Bee: So glad to hear your appointment went well and that everything looks great!!

    @Mrs. Sunshine: So excited over here too!!

    @Boopers: @Astro Bee: every time I go into work, people say, "You're still here?!". I'm like, "um, yep - don't ya see me?!!". I was planning to go downtown into the office on Monday next week if LO isn't here, but my feet get so terribly swollen when I do, that I might just work from home until this little guy comes!

    Hopefully this isn't TMI, but I asked my doctor's office what they recommend in terms of getting labor going - I've heard everything from raspberry leaf tea, primrose oil, walking to spicy foods. They said the only thing they really recommend is nipple stimulation, orgasms and sex. Ha! One of the nurses explained that back in the day during inductions instead of using pitocin, they actually relied on nipple stimulation to cause contractions and get things going. So, again, hopefully not TMI, but some more advice for those of wanting to get things going!!

  31. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @SunshineMcC: too bad I'm wearing a bra to bed because I don't even like my shirt touching my nipples anymore lol i told DH last night they recommend sex but we fell asleep instead

  32. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    @SunshineMcC: I had spicy food twice last week, plus the massage and pedicure (massaging around the ankles supposedly helps), sex, and lots of walking. I've been thinking about suggesting some more sex to DH for the last couple of nights but have been so tired and now I have a head cold, so I have zero interest. I kind of hope for baby to stay put until I get over this, but I feel so impatient.

    @Boopers: Aside from the cold, I feel fine. Legs and feet are sore, but I've been making DH work on them for me. I actually sent him a YouTube video last night because he's not all that great at massage, and I needed them done really well. Still no cramps or contractions. Happy last day of work!

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Lol! The number of times I've sexily mentioned to DH that we should have sex over the last several months and then fallen asleep first or just felt too tired is too numerous to count! We now joke about that line from "Fun with Dick and Jane" - "we should have sex... on Saturday!"

  33. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    Uh, DH just got home from work and asked if I wanted to drive 2 hrs (each way) to visit his parents for the weekend. Seriously? After my emphatic "no, I don't want to go into labour hours from the comfort of my own home," he asked what would we do all weekend. I dunno, have a baby, hopefully? Plus, my parents are now here; not that they wouldn't be welcome at their house, but I definitely don't feel like travelling at his point, especially with my head cold. I love him dearly, but sometimes I question his thought processes. Lol!

  34. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @Astro Bee: haha LO had that stomach virus I had about a day or two before me, she was sick on a Thursday and was definitely not herself on Friday and my DH asked me if I wanted to go to the beach 2.5 hours away and go shark fishing with his friends. I don't even know why he though that was a good idea lol

  35. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    @Astro Bee: oh man, sex just sounds so unappealing right now. I feel like my cervix is so low and like it would be painful.

    I am so grumpy today. And tired of being huge and leaking constantly. Finally started wearing a panty liner since I am sick of wet, gross undies. No wonder sex sounds awful, as I am feeling anything BUT sexy right now.

  36. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @meredithNYC: I feel you on the leaking I've been wearing liners for weeks now and even then some days I need two! I definitely don't feel sexy more like a lumbering bear.

  37. As Time Goes By

    apricot / 346 posts

    @Banana330: "lumbering bear" describes how sexy and graceful I feel!

    Today is my due date and it feels like I still have a ways to go. I have had a few days now with sporadic contractions with a definite beginning and end, but they haven't stuck around for more than 30 minutes or so. My mom and MIL had quick labours on their due dates with their firsts so I'm holding out the tiniest bit of hope!

  38. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    @As Time Goes By: oh, I hope it happens for you today! Good luck!

  39. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    Well, I keep hoping. Been having contractions for the last two weeks but nothing yet. Midwife confirmed that baby is low in the pelvis (she had a hard time confirming the head). So in theory any time now but apparently baby girl has not gotten the memo. I just keep waiting. Today is a trip to the zoo with my son (he has no school) so maybe we can walk her out.

  40. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    @As Time Goes By: @MeredithNYC: @Banana330: I feel anything but sexy. A beached whale is probably the best analogy for how I feel; DH has to help me off the couch frequently, and has had to roll me over in bed a couple of times so I could get comfortable. Sex is definitely a means to an end at this point, 'cause at 40+2 I'm feeling a little desperate!

    We went for a 3.5 km walk this afternoon. The weather was gorgeous (I wore just a t-shirt!), and so many people were out and about. It was great, but no contractions so far!

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Thats's hilarious. I'm sure there will be many more instances of "what are you thinking?" to come for us all.

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