I know that this is not a happy topic, and luckily, this issue is just a hypothetical issue for me, although I do admit I am slightly overly anxious about this. These days, it seems like so many things can be dangerous, such as chemicals in food, water, the air we breath, etc. I'm starting my 7th week and am paranoid/scared because I just so badly want to have a healthy baby. I do not have any health issues myself so I shouldn't be as worried as I am, or so I tell myself - I'm in my late 20's. Did you or are you worried about this issue, and hypothetically, if you discovered a serious issue, would you terminate the pregnancy? I guess I worry about what others would think of me in either situation, if I terminated, or if I had a "defective" child and how others would judge me as if it were (possibly) my fault. I don't know how I'd live with myself either way. Just wanted to see if anyone had any insight, or thoughts on this matter. Thanks.