Ok, here was the rundown of the FIRST NIGHT IN A BIG BED. It was a twin bed. My girl is 3 in July and she normally sleeps 13 hours straight without a peep every night. Just writing this little post in case anyone else has suggestions OR they want to commiserate how horrible this change can be!

730 bedtime comes around. LO does not want to go in bed. I did the exact same routine as crib sleep with a few extra books and I did not lie down with her cause I didn't want to start that routine.

730-9ish out of bed approximately 70 times. I stopped counting after 50 when I let DH take over. She would pop right out of bed and follow us down the hall. We kept trying to do that silent walk back to bed thing without any commotion or attention but eventually DH got her asleep by putting her in the crib and then she suddenly wanted out to her big bed. She stayed there for once and cried herself to sleep.

11. Just as I'm going to bed... WAKE UP! MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY. I go in and calm her down. Asleep within 3 or 4 mins.

1130. Up until 2:30 am. Various activities! I tried rubbing her back, getting her milk, she had two pee accidents (poor girl), i laid on her floor for over an hour. It's all a blur.


4 am newborn wakes up for an hour to feed

6 am daughter wakes up FOR THE DAY. she's been iphoning all morning. i'm too tired to do anything else and i'm afraid to take it away for fear of an overtired freakout.

All in all she ...

a) Slept in the bed! yay!
b) Only slept 4 or 5 of her normal 13 hours! boo!