So, I've spent the weekend researching cloth diapers, and I have some questions I was hoping HBers could help out with some real-life experience! Feel free to respond to one, some, or all of the questions

1. A lot of the websites list “not able to adjust absorbency” as a disadvantage for AIOs. But, can’t you just use a skin-friendly insert like a prefold or a doubler?? Is this a poor solution because then then you’re basically using a pocket (2 piece) system for an AIO price?
A. Follow up on that question: Which materials are ok for use against skin and which have to have the protection of a pocket?

2. Hybrid diapers seem like the best of both (all?) worlds. What are the real downsides? Are there more leaks, because the only absorbent piece is the insert, vs. the entirety of a AIO or most of a pocket?
ETA: By hybrid I mean any system that allows you to use an insert/soaker, and reuse the "cover." I'm intrigued by the options in this video at the 10:00 mark:

3. Are most cloth-diaper detergents good for sensitive skin, and could be used for the rest of the laundry? Or, is that not cost-effective?

4. Is CDing realistic for a WOHM? DH & I are both teachers, so we will be home for all school breaks and summer, but it’s still intimidating.

5. What are your top tips for CDing with sensitive skin? DH has horrible eczema so it’s quite likely for all LOs.