Help! Do you think this sounds like round ligament pain? Short story: ended up in l&d with extreme left side abdominal pain and the best they could determine it was RLP but it doesn’t sound/feel right to me.

Details: I’m 27 wks with my second. Yesterday throughout the work day I was having pretty consistent pain in my left upper abdomen area parallel to my naval. It was annoying but I was able to go about my day and just kept my hand on that area most of the day. I figured gas or regular aches and pains. By evening I was having sharp pains on and off in my upper left abdomen and by 11pm it was equivalent intensity-wise to labor pain but only on the left side and not the same tightening sensation — more stabbing. I couldn’t stand, I couldn’t talk through the pain, i could just moan and cry basically. I finally called the doc and they sent me to L&D. After monitoring they determined I wasn’t in preterm labor, no UTI or kidney stones, not gas. They said it was most likely round ligament pain and to take Tylenol as needed. By the time I got home at 4am the pain was mostly gone and I was feeling a little crazy for going to L&d for RLP pain. Today I felt a handful of stabs but then tonight I had another full on episode of consistent stabbing pain for a little over an hour, wincing, moaning, yada, yada.

Anyhow, I believe them, I do. But from what I know if RLP it is more located in the groin area and is related to certain fast movements and doesn’t last for long periods of time. This is located high up and the pain is just so extreme—like take your breath away and feels more like an attack...if that makes sense.

Have you had RLP that sounds similar? Have you had similar pain that was found to be something different? Suggestions on what I should ask my OB about when I call her on Monday? Thanks dr bees!