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Did you/do you have a birth plan?

  1. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    Yes for my first and it was placed in my folder. But I don't think the nurses ever referred to. We just talked about it during admitting and DH advocated for me.
    No for the second one!

  2. Bubbles

    persimmon / 1328 posts

    Yes - it was less than a page long but more detailed than I will bother with this time. But it was important to me to have some of my preferences written down in case I wasn't in a state to make them clear - eg delayed cord clamping, natural delivery of placenta (though I won't be doing that again) and immediate skin to skin.

    I think I did fall victim to idealising my birth plan though, I was very willing to cooperate with the medical team - but I was so set on my idea of the perfect birth that when I had to be induced it really threw me and affected my ability to deal with the situation I found myself in. This time round I'm trying to keep my expectations low!

  3. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    I did not have one. My Dr and I had had discussion in the later weeks of my pregnancy. She knew I was open to pain meds but unsure if I wanted them (had no idea what labor would feel like so how could I know?!). She also knew that my overall opinion was "you are the Dr - I trust you - lets make decisions together when possible but do what you gotta do".

    The only questions I remember being asked with regard to big decisions was 1) do you want an epidural - now would be a good time (I was 6cm)...I had already had a dose of pain meds when admitted so this was a no brainer and 2) do you prefer an episiotomy or to tear naturally...I told her "whatever she recommended" and then tore.

  4. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    Nope! I told my OB during one of my checkups I was open/wanted an epidural, but other than that. I trust her and my body to do its thang.

  5. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    First time I wrote one out but didn't give it to anyone. It did help to guide my thinking though. DH was aware of what I wanted and helped me during labor. Everything went fine. This time, I just feel comfortable knowing that I'll make decisions that are right for me in the moment because I've already had the experience and confidence to know. I don't feel a need for a written plan.

  6. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    No, I didn't.

  7. NavyRN2012

    persimmon / 1447 posts

    No. With my first, I was too young and uneducated to even know anything about a birth plan. I delivered at a "baby friendly" hospital for #2 and #3, so my wishes (such as pain management, BFing, skin to skin, dad cuts cord, etc) were verbalized to my nurse on admission and written on a whiteboard in the room.

  8. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    We discussed birth plans with the midwives and they made notes (so I didn't take a copy). As little intervention as possible, able to move around during labour, intermittent monitoring, pain meds only given if asked (I didn't want to be offered). Also, I wanted akin to skin right after if possible.

  9. KT326

    pomegranate / 3438 posts

    I had discussed a few things with my OB but then I went into labor early and he was on vacation! I never wrote anything down. The next time I am going to write a few things down knowing that it may or may not happen. Last time I didn't get immediate skin to skin because of breathing issues and next time I want to try. I also don't want constant monitoring unless absolutely necessary.

  10. KatieBklyn

    cherry / 188 posts

    I didn't have a written plan. I was worried about becoming too attached to any one vision of how birth would go. I know myself, and I can get really disappointed when I envision things one way and then they turn out another, and I knew that the birthing process could have lots of twists and turns. So I did read up about different interventions and made up my mind ahead of time about my preferences, but I kept in mind that "healthy mama, healthy baby" was my main objective and that "man plans, God laughs."

  11. Corduroy

    pomelo / 5258 posts

    Yes, my HMO provides a form. For LO1's birth all the medical staff on each shift reviewed it. I could tell from their reaction to it I had essentially picked the "granola package." I showed up with a doula so probably wasn't a surprise. The form had questions on pain management, do you want a mirror, do you want to hold baby before he/she is wiped off, circumcise, light or dark room, etc.

    With birth #2 I dragged my feet on filling out the form. Birth #1 had been traumatic and I just couldn't put myself in the headspace to think about birth again. They asked me to complete it during my GD test (what's that 27 weeks or so?) and bugged me at every appointment thereafter. I filled it out the day before I went into labor. I was already 10cm when I arrived at the hospital though. I remember I walked in holding my water bottle and birth plan. When I crawled onto the bed DH threw the birth plan across the room very dramatically. The staff did read it after the birth to review post-birth instructions and probably to laugh at my plans.

  12. Mrs. Goose

    pear / 1737 posts

    I had an unwritten one: labour at home until at 4-1-1, no pain meds, try other pain management like laboring in a tub, TENS machine, gas, in that order. I also wanted to walk around as much as possible. The whole plan went out the window as I was induced at 42 weeks. I was hooked up to an iv drip of oxytocin and had constant monitoring. I couldn't walk around the hospital because I needed to be close enough to a plug for the monitors. I couldn't use the tub as a result of the need for monitoring and the moveable battery pack didn't work. I only had pain on the front from my contractions so a TENS machine would have been useless. I think I asked for pain meds at 7cm and got talked out of it. Made it to 10, pushed for a while, and then the doctor said my baby was stuck and wouldn't come out without a c section. So I learned, to either not have a birth plan or have a much broader birth plan...I never thought I would have a c section so I was totally unprepared.

  13. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    Now that I think of it we did have a birth plan form from my HMO that DH and I filled out. But I think it was more important in that it cause DH and I to have a conversation about what we wanted. The only thing I really kept reiterating was that I wanted my placenta to encapsulate. We were so easy going during labor the staff couldn't believe it - but we birthed at a hospital where most parents lean more natural and the staff usually has to tread lightly with their suggestions.

  14. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    I planned to have a birth plan! Didn't get a chance to write it because LO was early. Though I got most of what I wanted anyway. More because there was no time for an epi than anything.


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