I just need to vent. I'm 35 weeks and DONE. I woke up in a foul mood because I don't sleep well. My almost three-year-old was throwing some serious attitude. My husband is annoying me. He keeps asking me if I want him to stay home and help me this weekend and I don't know how to say, "please go to your bike race and leave me alone because you are annoying me."

Everything hurts and I feel like crap. It's 75F in my office right now because this is the ONE ROOM IN THE ENTIRE BUILDING where the air doesn't work well. And work is annoying me, my boss won't leave me alone and keeps throwing random busywork at me when she knows I have a crap-ton of stuff to do before I go on leave.

People keep telling me that I look like I'm about to pop and I've likely got five weeks of this pregnancy left. It happens multiple times a day and I'm just over it. My friend had her baby yesterday and I'm so happy and jealous because I am STILL PREGNANT. I'm tired of having to check my glucose 4 times a day and not being able to eat what I want.

I'm sorry. I just needed to get it off my chest before I tell someone in this office to go Eff themselves and leave me alone. I can't take the day off, so I just have to sit here and stew in my big fat pregnant angry juices.