Has anyone used this test? It comes in the FRER test and confirm package (1 regular line test and 1 digital). I used the digital yesterday I'm pretty sure I got a false positive after reading a ton of reviews (after my initial freak out!!). I took a regular FRER this morning and it was stark white.

Background - I have infertility and had to use treatments with both my boys. I never had a period prior to having kids unless I was on birth control or it was induced. After my second child weaned (right around 1 year), I had about 6 months of a regular period and then it stopped. 5 months of nothing then a period in December. Honestly, we don't use BC so it is quite possible it isn't a false positive... but the FRER isn't picking it up yet.

Just wondering if anyone has used this test... I'm going to test again in a few days...