Hellobee Boards


Gear purchase regrets?

  1. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    I wish we got Diono Radians from the very beginning.

    Didn't need a Bumbo, that thing is stupid

  2. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Between my 2 LO's I had totally different preferences it seems. Things I thought were useless for DS ended up coming in handy for DD, and things that I thought were must have for DS have barely been used for DD.

    Basically after 2 LOs, any regrets I had were wiped away!

  3. CakeLady

    pear / 1657 posts

    @Anagram: I think he could fit in it for 6 months, maybe a little less. He only ended up sleeping in our room for about 8 weeks but we used it for naps and as a place to set DS down for about 4-5 months.

  4. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    DH bought a walker without really checking with me. DD didn't care for it and I think it's a waste so will be selling that on FB!

    I actually adore our Pack n Play lol but it was a gift! It was so easy to travel with for us.

    We didn't buy a lot of gear because I figured it would be a waste and I'm glad I didn't. We just got the basics and added on (swing and clip-on high chair have been add-ons that I love)

  5. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    I am so thankful that we had lots of hand me downs and things to borrow. The jumperoo was a total flop and the rnp didn't work for us either. I wish I could have had the the halo bassinest, it would have been great for us but it wasn't out yet and it's really expensive, plus we had a rnp and a bassinet so it would have seemed silly.

  6. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    At the moment I'm making my way through my stored baby gear and thinking about what I could improve on. I never felt happy with her bassinette, and I'm contemplating selling it on eBay and buying a Boori Matilda Cradle. Its longer and also has timber bars instead of mesh. not sure if I'll regret it though.

  7. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    I regret getting our single BOB - I never ran with DD in it when we only had one kid. I'd just have DH stay with her while I went for a quick run - much easier. And it wasn't our all-around stroller bc it was so heavy/bulky (we used our b-agile as our daily stroller).

    Second regret is getting a travel crib. We had the baby bjorn travel crib light, but never found a need for it because whenever we traveled we just used hotel cribs. We never stayed overnight at grandparents or anything like that, so never had a need for it.

  8. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    I regret getting a single pump instead of a double. But I really only used it for about 2 months with LO1 and maybe 10 times with LO2, so I guess it wasn't that big of a deal. For baby gear, I don't regret anything!

  9. Bubbles

    persimmon / 1328 posts

    The big one for me was cloth nappies, I invested a lot of money and used them for 2 months, when I finally admitted to myself that I could not deal with the extra work. I don't think having a very difficult baby helped, but I had a lot of guilt over moving to disposables. Finally sold them a year later for nearly as much as I paid!

    The highchair we bought is rubbish, it has no solid bar between the legs so you always have to strap DS in fully every time (which I wouldn't do otherwise - he never tries to climb out and I am always with him). It was only about £50 off amazon but I still can't bring myself to replace it now.

    I love our City Mini but I wish I had got the carrycot attachment when DS was tiny, he always seemed so small in the normal seat (fully reclined obvs), and always woke up when I took him out.

    Various horrible tacky noisy mobiles / musical devices that promised to put him to sleep and did nothing of the sort.

    Blankets... every list said we needed these and I bought 4 - aside from using a mini one when napping in the pushchair we have never once used a blanket in 18 months - he sleeps in a sleepsack so no need at night.

    Pacapod changing bag - I loved the idea of the separate pods, but the thing just wasn't big enough for all the crap I like to drag around! I sold it and got a new one about 4 months in.

  10. PinkElephant

    grapefruit / 4584 posts

    Fancy high chair - our Bloom Fresco Loft (the space capsule looking one on a hydraulic lift) looked cool to start, but now sags a little due to DD1 hanging off the tray, and in spite of smith lines around the seat, still has tiny books where the straps hook in that collect crud. We have two IKEA chairs for our outdoor dining set and I wish we'd gone that route indoors, too.

  11. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    - Bulky highchair, wish we would have just got one that stuck on a kitchen chair.

    - JJ Cole diaper bag: sold it after DD1, it was just way too big and bulky. Replaced it with a Skip Hop Duo for #2.

    - Graco travel system. I got one because "everyone" has one around here but the stroller is so bad and bulky. I wish I would have researched it better instead of just going with the crowd.

  12. gracecat

    clementine / 878 posts

    Skip hop diaper bag: prefer hands free backpack!

    Exersaucer : took up so much space and DD never took to it.

    Swing: DD never really liked it.

  13. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    - Mamaroo. But, I had no way of knowing whether DD would like or hate it. If I can't sell it, will see if any future LO likes it. This girl loves her fisher price snugabunny swing!
    - Starting to wonder about the stroller. I love the uppababy Cruz, but restaurants can't ever accommodate it, and I hate leaving it unattended at the front door . It's also heavy heaving in and out of my jeep, even though I got the lighter uppababy. I see a lot of people with umbrella strollers, and I see why. But, I don't want my stroller to go to waste. On the converse, I'm glad I didn't get the bigger uppababy vista!

  14. KayKay

    pear / 1961 posts

    @msmini: same for us. most of that is because i was FT WOH until LO1 was 2, and i have been SAH since LO2 was born. so some things just didn't get that much use with LO1 because she was at daycare so much during the week....now LO2 is home and needs to be entertained/contained a lot more


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