Ok, I just did a search for the term "hangry" and am laughing at all the mentions. Apparently I have been living under a rock and had no idea this was a thing! (apparently, "hangry" = angry hungry)

Wagon Jr. has a friend named Henry and he pronounces it Hangry. When we say "you mean Henry?" He just blankly stares at us and says "yes, Hangry". I am chuckling quietly just thinking about it... so cute and funny.

Then we found the word "hangry" in an article and couldn't stop laughing.

Anyway, last night I was so HANGRY that after we got home, I rushed through making dinner, almost totally silently, and scarfed. I can't remember the last time I was that HANGRY. I was seriously angry that the food wasn't ready yet, and while I was eating it I was seriously angry that it took so long to get into my belly.