I've just discovered my dd2 (6 months) has a pretty severe lip and tongue tie that is interfering with her ability to eat solids so we will need to get it clipped.

I had my older DD (2.5) with me at the initial appointment today, so my dr took a look at her also and noticed that she has a lip tie that may affect how her teeth grow in. He couldn't tell about her tongue (she was being all toddler like and he couldn't get a good look). He referred both girls to the ENT.

I feel awful about getting Dd2's clipped (in retrospect there were SO many warning signs, since she was a newborn and I feel so guilty that I didn't put 2 and 2 together) but I feel in some way even worse for Dd1. She will be old enough to understand what is happening and I feel like it will be more traumatizing for her.

I'm rambling now. But has anyone had a toddler or older child clipped? Was it as awful as I am imagining ?