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How are you ageing?

  1. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    I turned 35 in January and Im feeling pretty good. I feel my age on days I don't get any sleep, but skin is good, hair is shiny and no grays yet.
    I really need to start working out more regularly and need to start eating better! I have about 10lbs I'd like to lose.

  2. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    I am 33 (and a half, haha) and 6 months PP. I started getting random grays when I turned 28. So I had quite a few while I was pregnant but I swear they have multiplied tremendously since he's been born. I don't know if stress and grays is true, but if you asked me Id say so.
    That said, people still tend to guess that I'm in my late 20's vs early-mid 30's. It's just a few years but I'll take it!
    My skin is pretty good. No major wrinkles, but I do feel like it's pretty dull and dry, yet I still break out around my period which is highly annoying. I'm trying to use vitamin c and other face oils for a glow. When I remember
    My body - I have to say I am pleased. It's not like it was when I met my husband 15 years ago, but I'm still thin with a lot of muscle definition. My boobs aren't saggy - they're just softer. But still look pretty good (full disclosure I only BF/pumped for a month so I'm sure that helps). I also see a personal trainer 2 days a week which has made a tremendous difference.
    All in all, I'm happy. But I know it'll chsnge more and more with each year and each kid so I'm just going to do what I can to stay healthy and use non-invasive methods like creams and facials and maybe dyeing my hair.
    Has anyone used Retin A regularly? My dermatologist recommended t the last time I saw her for breakouts and anti aging.

  3. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    I feel pretty good for my age. I turned 32 this month, haven't had any gray hairs yet, and the crows feet that were starting to appear have disappeared! I think because I changed up my skin regimen and started being really diligent about serums and eye cream. I am also a stickler for sunscreen. I always do a separate SPF because I keep hearing over and over again that the combined SPF moisturizers, and makeup with SPF just doesn't cut it.

  4. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    I turned 35 in February. I think that I look pretty good for my age. I make sure to take care of my skin the most. My mom encouraged that early on, so it's stuck with me. She looks great for 60's.

  5. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    @SweetiePie: I haven't used it regulary, but my derm told me it is basically the only thing that gives any kind of real results. She can immediately tell when a woman's been using for an extended period of time.

  6. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    I will be 32 in June, and I think I look good age wise, no wrinkles, no gray hair. I am 7 weeks post partum, and had two babies in 12.5 months, so my body is flabbier and my weight is more than it should be. I plan on losing the 15 or so I have to go and then another 10 would be great. I hope to get pregnant again in the somewhat near future (maybe a year?), so I don't have any huge goals.

  7. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    People always think I'm a lot younger than I am, but I think it's more because I'm small and have a baby face than because I'm aging "well" or whatever. I do have more than a couple gray hairs! But I've gotten carded for rated R movies in the last couple years. And I'm WELL over 17.

    @SweetiePie: I use a retin A cream from my derm sort of regularly -- 1 to 2 times a week. Any more than that and it's a little too harsh and drying for my skin. That, combined with using a super gentle CeraVe moisturizer has really made a difference in my skin! I'm not at the point where I'm getting many wrinkles yet (that I've noticed...) but more in terms of keeping any breakouts at bay. I'm hoping if I continue to use it, I'll avoid wrinkles for a little longer, too

  8. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    @SweetiePie: My derm advised me not to use Retin A (I specifically asked her because I have friends that use it and swear by it) because I have sensitive skin.

  9. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    I'm 32. My hair is 60-70% gray already (I color it, though) and I noticed forehead wrinkles and eye wrinkles creeping in. People must not notice some of this because some of my students think I'm a senior/grad student, which is a wonderful compliment. Most are at least surprised that I'm in my 30s. Overall, I think I'm doing okay in the aging department.

  10. miramira

    apricot / 411 posts

    I'm 31 and my only gripe is the ever-darkening circles under my eyes from 6 months of little sleep. I've never been one to do dedicated exercise so any flabby or wobbly areas are my own doing and I don't mind them.

  11. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    I'm still very young and look it but I've been getting gray hairs since 19 so there's that....my mom was completely gray before 40 but otherwise looks amazing so if dying my hair is all I have in store for me in the next 20 years I'd say I'm doing okay!


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