We moved onto Cycle # 3 today and I'm struggling. My initial plan - to eat brie and drink lots of wine when AF showed up - has not worked at all. I'm so, so over those things.

DH is getting tired of my moping and said he can't cope with me being like this every month. I need something to look forward to other than a baby - but I feel like there's nothing else that could fill that gap, even temporarily.

I'd love to go out dancing tonight but my best friend (who was also my going out buddy) is 8 months pregnant. DH really doesn't enjoy doing that and, besides, he works most weekends.... Instead, I'm going to BFFs house tonight for chicken casserole and cups of tea, to hear all about her aches and pains in late pregnancy.

I've never felt so sad and so alone.

So come on, tell me, how did you all cope with monthly disappointment? Did you feel like this? What helped? Give me some ideas! Coz I need to sort my moping self out!!!

Thank you.