Looking for ideas...we adopted our relatively calm Australian Cattle mix last weekend. LO is beyond thrilled but I am constantly scolding her about not pinching the dog's snout shut or hugging her super tightly around the neck. The scolding is making it unpleasant for everyone. My husband lets LO go and occasionally scolds the dog for mouthing LO. So I started scolding him-haha DH. That's not working either. I guess I am just worried about protecting LO from unexpected bites. I also want to protect the dog from being irritated but I think I am more irritated than the dog! Do I just let it go as the dog is pretty calm? I see her trying to get away from LO at times and I feel badly for the dog. I love LO and enjoy her passion for dogs...but I don't want her to behave like Darla from Finding Nemo.

Help- never owned a dog (and/or a 3 year old) before!