I feel like I've been misled! I thought once you got through those first bunch of months it would get better. Not so much these days!

C is 18 months and her sleep just sucks lately. She has started crying when we put her down at bedtime again. She wakes up during the night and won't settle down unless Dh lays down in the bed in her room with her- if I lay down in there she wants to nurse and freaks out if I wont. She wakes up really early- anything after six I can deal with (though I prefer after 7 ). But 5 is not the day in this house.

When we go in in the middle of the night, or if she's crying going to bed, she calms right down when we hold her but freaks when we put her in the crib. It's exhausting.

Oh and we added a nightlight a few weeks ago, which seemed to help for a while. She had a cold and was teething but I don't think anything is really going on right now. I'm so tired of it.

Anyone else? Just a phase? Some super tip that's going to fix it??