I'm thinking about having Olive's 3rd birthday at a bar! Hear me out... we went to one recently where a bar closes and hosts birthdays during the daytime so they had a bunch of toys. But then they also served awesome food and alcohol so the adults had fun too! It was one of the best kids' birthdays I've been to.

So since Olive the honeybadger doesn't really care what we do for her birthday, I wanted to have one at a bar. Some of my friends I only see on special occasions and our kids' birthdays, and everyone is so busy wrangling their kids that the adults never get to talk. I wanted the adults to have fun too and not just have a kids' birthday.

I've been looking into venues and there are a ton of options locally.

What are some games/activities that could keep the kids happy/occupied without a ton of adult supervision/interaction so adults could relax a bit too?