At 11 months my twins have taken up a renewed interest in tandem nursing, and suddenly I'm back to nursing them to sleep for every nap and bedtime. For a while one would nurse to sleep at bedtime while the other would take a bottle from DH and rock to sleep with him. Now they're not having that at all and will only nurse to sleep. I'm actually ok with this because they are so darn snuggly and precious.

However, I have no idea how they will ever stop. My supply isn't great anyway (never has been) and they take formula throughout the day, so the nursing is mostly for comfort. I don't have any inclination to wean imminently, but I'd love it if we could get to the point where they can go down for naps and bedtime easily for DH or a (hypothetical) babysitter. I'd also just like to have a beer with dinner, which I can't do currently because they always nurse before bed!

Anyway, if you were still nursing to bed at 11 months (or beyond) when did you stop? Was it with weaning, or did you find another way to kick the habit? I'd love some advice or commiseration!