Formerly active member here that got busy and disappeared for a while. I want to stay incognito for a little bit, but I'd like some feedback.

I am 4w8d. I've had a lot more cramps this time and a bad lower backache the last week. I had some period-like cramping with previous pregnancies, but this time has has a lot more of that with some cramping feeling stronger than I've had previously. Yesterday, I started having intense bursts of pain/cramping on my right side only. It feels like it's right inside my hip bone, if that make sense, and sometimes it will radiate down my leg. It's not constant, but for several hours last night it was happening every few minutes. It was painful enough that at times I would suck in my breath when it happened, and I slept fitfully at best all night. This morning, the sharp pain/cramp has only happened a few times but I have a dull ached in that same area - only right side from the front of my hip to the lower back in the same spot. No bleeding at all, and I feel okay otherwise. I'm a little paranoid since it's all on one side.

I know cramping is normal, so I hate to call my doctor if I'm not even spotting or anything. Anyone had an OB/midwife give them any kind of instructions about what to watch for or at what point to contact your doctor with pain on one side? I can't help worrying about eptopic pregnancy, but I know it's really rare so I'm sure it's probably normal cramping.