I remember reading somewhere long before we had T to only have photos of yourselves in your bedroom. Recently I also read( I think here) that they don't allow toys in their bedroom. After living in our home for 4.5 years last fall I finally got some art up on the walls and am happy with how it turned out- I have 3 prints of just the 2 of us. When T wakes up we always bring her in our room for milk and to snuggle- on the weekends we read books and and spend a good 30 minutes together- when I was pregnant that's what I looked forward to most slow mornings reading in bed.

Today I saw this article and while I don't agree with everything I think it speaks to why this concept resonances with me http://www.parent.co/one-room-house-wont-find-pictures-kids/?utm_content=bufferfb715&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer

I don't remember spending any time in my parents room as a child.

Thoughts? Do you have any toy free zones in your house? Do you try to make your bedroom a retreat for you and your SO?