DS is 15 months old and is scheduled for a lip and tongue tie revision in 2 weeks. He was EBF and still nurses 2x/day. I've always had pain with nursing and sought out opinions of several lactation consultants, our pediatrician and even an ENT who said he was fine. I just really knew he had ties for several reasons: what it looks like, the pain with nursing (frequent clogged ducts, vasospasms, "lipstick" nipple) as well as ongoing reflux and some aspiration during nursing when he was younger. He just had tubes put in his ears due to frequent ear infections as well. He does eat well and has no aversions. We went to a pediatric dentist who immediately said he has a Class 3 lip and tongue tie and encouraged immediate laser revision. We also have an appointment set up with a CST before and following his procedure. I'm looking for some reassurance from parents whose children were older when they had the procedure as well as making sure this is the right call since so many other practitioners said he was fine and the procedure was unnecessary. Anyone have any experience?