My almost 3.5 year old is in week 3 of preschool. This morning her teacher told me that she is worried that she is too impulsive to make connections and she is concerned about her memorizing and truly absorbing the things that she is teaching.

To me, that sounds like she is trying to hint that she thinks C might have ADHD or a similar issue. It's not outside the realm of possibility. My brother has ADHD and is (most likely, they didn't really diagnose it when he was a kid) on the autism spectrum. He and I both considered "gifted" and tend to have idiosyncrasies and difficulties relating to other people sometimes. I know that "over excitability" tends to be a by-product of giftedness and high intelligence as well as a marker of an issue like ADHD. I do think she takes after me and my brother in this and we plan to have her screened next year in order to go to the magnet school we want to get her into.

At this point, she doesn't even know her teacher's name or any of the name's of the kids in her class. However, in her daycare at the beginning of the year, she did. She used to come home talking about her little friend Alex all the time. Im not sure if this is really an issue with her or an issue with the school not really being the right fit for her. She asked me this morning to go back to her "old school". The preschool is the early childhood center run by our district.

Any guidance? How would I go about maybe getting her screened for ADHD and the like, to rule it out?