So, that post title is clear as mud but I wanted to include everything - here is the book on LO's feeding issues. I need help!!!

My son is 11 days old and EBF. He has horrible reflux and is on Zantac, but I am not sure it's helping that much. He's up all night and a lot of the day - after feeds he is screaming, arching his back, clearly in pain/uncomfortable, tons of spitting up (we're talking like 10x in a 5 hour period last night).

We went to the lactation consultant earlier this week and the pediatrician yesterday to continue to follow up on these issues. I have a huge oversupply (I could feed him all he wanted and still easily pump 20-25+ oz a day) and he is transferring the milk extremely quickly - at the weighted feed, I only nursed him for maybe 1-2 minutes, she weighed him and he already got 1.5 oz. The LC seems to think I have a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance due to the oversupply. She thinks he's getting too much foremilk since my breasts are so full and that is upsetting his stomach and leading to the screaming, arching back, etc. I am already doing block feeding (only feed one side per feeding). She recommended that I pump on the side I am going to feed him on until I am not engorged, to the point that when he's done with the feeding, my breast is totally soft so I know he's getting the hind milk. Well, the problem with that is I often have to pump 3-4 oz PRIOR to the feed before I get to that point (and even then, my breast is usually not completely soft when he is done). I am concerned this is just triggering my body to make more milk which is making the problem worse. I still have to pump some on the side I am not feeding (I get so incredibly engorged). But, if let's say I feed him on the left side for 3 feedings, then want to feed him on the right, the right side is SO ENGORGED that I would need to pump out like 6-7 oz to get to the point where he would "empty" the breast after the feed and get the hind milk - and I know that pumping that much is just going to keep the milk production in high gear.

Now, we went back to the ped yesterday. She feels like maybe he is overfeeding and that is making the reflux worse. He gained 3 oz in 2 days. She says that is more than normal (I guess BF babies are usually like 5-7 oz a week?), but she's less concerned about the weight gain and more concerned that my oversupply is overfilling his belly and making the reflux pain worse. She said babies sometimes don't really know if they are hungry or their bellies hurt because all they know is "I want to nurse for comfort." And I was definitely doing that with him. She wants us to space out all his feeds to 3 hours apart (or at least try) to see if that helps. So we tried starting yesterday. The first feed we made it to 2.5 hours and he was HYSTERICAL so I fed him then. I am not going to let my NB cry so hard for 30 minutes, forget it. But, during the night we tried to comfort him in other ways if I knew he had just fed an hour ago (daddy rocks him, using a paci, etc), but I did feed him if he got really inconsolable and it seemed like it was hunger. I tried too that when he started getting sleepy, slip him off the breast and give him a paci so he's not getting overfilled with milk. The ped also recommended I pump as little as possible to try to avoid stimulating more milk production.

Well, in spite of all that, last night was AWFUL. The worst night so far with the reflux. After every feed, spitting up 3-4x (and not a "happy spitter" - crying and obviously uncomfortable), just generally crying and unhappy for hours after the feeding. I also tried to pump less (so when I fed him, I was a bit fuller) and he had a very green poopy diaper (which I think is a sign of too much foremilk?).

The ped seems not to want to rush to put him on stronger meds (it would probably be Prevacid) but I hate seeing him so miserable after feeding if we can fix it. I also am clueless about what to do re: pumping. Pump on the side I am going to feed him on to ensure he gets enough hindmilk? Pump as little as possible and wait for my supply to hopefully regulate?

I know that oversupply must seem like a "good problem" to have but I feel like my milk is hurting my baby and I don't know what to do.