So, I just got back from my appt, and my doctor confirmed the diagnosis of PCOS. I have some questions I was hoping you all could help me with.

History: 9 months TTC, 6 cycles, pregnant in Sept but loss in Oct. Long, irregular cycles ever since, but they've been improving. I was taking B complex Oct-Feb, which I think was having a negative effect, delaying O.

Tests: I did bloodwork for LH, FSH, prolactin, and thyroid on CD36, right before AF showed. LH was high, everything else was fine. My CD12 ultrasound last week showed the classic "strand of pearls" look, but also a 13-mm follicle. I believe I ovulated CD 16 or 17; 4 days later (chart in profile). By then my follicle and lining should have been a standard size. We also had great timing. So, FX this cycle works out anyway!

Treatments: My obgyn wants me to continue temping, and start metformin throughout the cycle, 50mg of clomid on CD5-10, and progesterone on CD15; with BD EOD. He said he only wants my temp charts; and didn't believe there was any need for monitoring via ultrasound or bloodwork. He said that often it's an "unnecessary waste of money and causes stress." That makes me nervous. I've read the warnings about it not being effective, being too effective (OHSS, multiples), and/or thinning out the lining. He said he will usually do up to 6 clomid cycles, but I am only willing to do 1 or 2 clomid cycles without monitoring.

He also did not feel the need to do CD3 or 6DPO bloodwork, but he did agree to a SA at the start of my next cycle.

Lastly, I do not want to switch from this OB for a least a couple of months, for a variety of reasons. He is an amazingly kind and supportive doctor; he's nearby, and his service is much less expensive than an RE. He also specializes in infertility. However, I will DEFINITELY consider switching in a couple of months, based on the feedback from my other post (

Couple of questions:
- Am I crazy for even agreeing to 1-2 un-monitored clomid cycles?
- Would I be crazy to ask if maybe I could try just the metformin & progesterone next cycle? I'd start the P after temps confirmed O, which before the MC, my O date was consistently between CD15-19.
- Anyone have any experience with an exophytic ovarian cyst (one projects out of the ovary?). It's only 1 cm wide, but... yeah.
- Has anyone taken FertileCM for help with CM & lining? Did you feel it was effective? Do you think it could interfere at all with the clomid or anthing else?