So I've discovered a few helpful ideas that I haven't read anywhere else, so I wanted to share here in case it helps others! Feel free to reply with any other "tips" /"tricks" you've discovered along that way...

- To get more milk letdown, slowly move the palm of your hand from the side of your rib cage, out towards the nipple. You're helping release all the milk in the side ducts and the back/origin of the ducts. You can do this easily with one hand while you look at your phone or computer or off into space. I find this more effective than breast massage and easier than compressions.

- Write the time/date of expression on your bottle caps with fine-tip wet erase markers. It will help you keep track of what to use first, and it washes off easily in the dishwasher.

- If you have a clogged duct, look at your nipple to see if you have a white speck. If you do... pick it off (sorry, TMI? too gross??). Be ready to pump or nurse right away, because there will be a lot of milk once pressure is released.... I've done this with 3 out of 4 of my last blocked ducts, and BAM, instant clearage.

- Store your frozen milk in these Target up & up containers. Perfect size, and cheap!

Sorry if this is "old hat" or common knowledge to any of you! I do a fair amount of reading and never saw these anywhere so I figure I should put it out there in the universe, haha. So, what are your easy-to-implement tips? Besides storing parts in the fridge Which is obvi the #1 tip!