So we are heading to the in laws tomorrow for Easter, about a 5 hour drive. The last time we did it C was a newborn so pretty much slept the whole time.

Now that she's 7 months old and on more of a schedule, I'm a bit more worried. She currently goes to sleep at 7pm and sleeps until 8am. I don't want to mess with that glorious schedule!

We can only leave at 5pm tomorrow and she usually falls asleep in the car very easily. Should I sit in the backseat and try to keep her awake until 7, then stop and give her a bottle and let her sleep until we get to our in laws at 10pm? Dh thinks I should just let her fall asleep at 5 and sleep the whole way.

What do you think is best? I really worry about messing with her recent STTN successes. Please tell me babies are more adaptable than I give them credit for!