When choosing a name for our first LO, it was important to me to find something that was classic and not in the top 100. The name we chose ended up not even breaking 200, so we were pretty happy with that.

We're TTC and dreaming about naming a second LO if she's a girl. My husband loves the name Sophia. He likes that it means "wisdom" in Greek (he minored in philosophy while in college), and on our honeymoon to Europe, the Hagia Sophia was our favorite part of the trip. I agree that it is a lovely name.

However, Sophia has been the number one most popular name for girls for three years running. It was still in the top five years before that. It might be even more popular than it appears on the Social Security website when you combine the different spellings (Sophie, Sofie, Sofia, etc.). Should we let the popularity of the name influence our decision to use it?