
I need some help figuring out a few things with my toddler. I have a 2 year old and a 3 month old. The 3 month old is becoming more independent so I want to start undoing some of the bad habits/behaviours that have been created over the last few months. Most of the time things are good, but we have lacked structure and routine since the baby arrived. Bedtime has fluctuated a bit but we are getting more consistent with the time again. I need to start having a consistent wake up time for him which I will do. The other problems are listed below. Suggestions?

1) I have used the tv and the ipad for the last 3 months to try and keep my son entertained when I am busy with the baby. During the fall, we could get outside and take breaks from our indoor activities but now that it is winter we are pretty much at home, inside, all the time. Boring for him and he is not expending any energy. Suggestions as to how to cut down on screen time and burn off energy while stuck inside? I feel like all we ever see is the 4 walls of our living room.

2) Suggestions on how to get him to listen when I ask him to stop doing something? Looking for something other than a time-out. He usually doesn't listen when I am in the middle of nursing or something. Examples of behaviour I want to stop - jumping on the couch, banging on the table...

3)How do I get him to start cleaning up his toys again? He used to be good about it. We would say, time to clean up and he would. Recently if he does comply with our request he will take forever to do it so he can stall bath time or bedtime.

Thank you for any suggestions you may have!