I think I am coming to terms with the fact that LO (13 months) is just not a big eater. I say *think* because there is still a lot of the time when I second guess myself and wonder if she's holding out for something she prefers--like fruit, I swear she could keep eating fruit until she explodes!

So, breakfast she eats at around 8am and has anywhere between 5-10 spoons of porridge/other baby cereal. Lately it has been on the low side. I don't usually offer a snack, though she does have around 8oz WCM mid-morning.

She has lunch 11/11:30 and eats pretty well (for her!), usually toast or a sandwich made with 1 slice of bread and a topping, then she might have a handful of chicken or ham chunks, a few chunks of cheese and then a plate of various fruits.

She has another 8oz of WCM mid-afternoon and usually a small box of raisins. or handful of fruit...sometimes if we're busy I forget to offer a snack and it doesn't seem to bother her. Then dinner is at 6pm and she barely touches it...maybe a few spoons or a few veggies (even things I know she likes) and then she's done.

What do you think? Is this normal or should she be eating more?

Edited to add--her weight gain follows her curve centile (25%) beautifully.