Hellobee Boards


TWW Symptoms by DPO

  1. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @mrs. tictactoe: good luck!

  2. Brawly

    cherry / 173 posts

    sigh... BFN maybe to early? I don't know.

  3. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @Brawly: I think it could still be early. I'd probably wait a day or two and test again. When is AF due?

  4. Brawly

    cherry / 173 posts

    @bushelandapeck: Assuming OPK was correct and I really did O a little earlier than normal, I should start tomorrow.

  5. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @Brawly: Fx for you! I think I'd wait until Friday then, unless you get AF tomorrow. That's just me though, I hate to see the BFN so I'd rather wait as long as possible

  6. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @bushelandapeck: did you keep track of your symptoms?

  7. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

  8. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @Crystal: it's hard because I didn't know (and still don't) what DPO it was. I do know I have been crampy since Monday and tested negative Tues, so that might have been implantation. My best guess is I am 13/14 DPO now. I have been really gassy/crampy/tired and have had insomnia since 9DPO ish. For me, these were similar symptoms for my past two BFPs

  9. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @mrs. tictactoe: any update?

  10. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @littlek: I haven't tested since last weekend. Now my husband won't let me. I think I'll probably get my period tomorrow, though. Slightly crampy and a big new zit

  11. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @mrs. tictactoe: Hang in there. I've been a reader of yours on your blog for a while....back when you were trying for your first. I have my fingers and toes crossed that your second bundle of joy is on his or her way soon.

  12. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: thank you so much. Your message made me cry. I'm so glad to have your support.

  13. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @mrs. tictactoe: Awww-well you've been on one hell of a journey, and I really feel for you. BTW I'm a SoCal girl (and a teacher!), too-we live in San Diego.

  14. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: @mrs. tictactoe: I'm so cal too!

  15. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    Okay ladies, I haven't gotten my BFP yet but I've been having some very promising symptoms. On 6 and 7 dpo I was having a very noticable pinching/pulling pain in one specific spot in my uterus area. It was literally all day both days. It felt very low, lower than AF cramps. Implantation? Anyone else have a similar experience? Tomorrow will be 10dpo.

  16. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @MrsHansen82: Oo keep testing & fx for you!!

  17. turquoisemama

    persimmon / 1481 posts

    @snowjewelz: BFN this morning...maybe too early still. I might only be 9dpo. Not 100% sure.

  18. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @Crystal: Yay! I'm not a native, but certainly love living here:-).

  19. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @MrsHansen82: Yeah from what I've seen on the boards & charts on FF, quite a few people get a few before so you're not out of the running yet!!

  20. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    I've pulled this thread up to look at so many times, so I thought it only fair to add to it myself.

    1-6 DPO: occasional on and off cramps (most likely from HCG trigger)

    7 DPO: still crampy, and hello boob pain! Trigger shot tested out by this day.

    8 DPO: ouchie boobies, noticeably very thirsty even though well hydrated, mild but persistent headache, tiredness and one short spell of what I can only imagine vertigo feels like

    9 DPO: major temp drop on my chart even though I woke up with hot flashes a couple of times, continued sore boobs and headache, still extra thirsty

    10 DPO: cramps, headache, surprisingly little boob pain, and more frequent trips to the bathroom due to continued thirst. Faint BFP

    11 DPO: cramps, sore boobs, headache, tired, thirsty and peeing more. Darker BFP.

    12: DPO: more of the same, cramps, boobs, tired, headache and thirsty. So thirsty! And finally a BFP on a digital.

  21. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    I promised myself I'd post here if I got a BFP. It's kind of a novel-sorry! Hope it helps someone!

    1 DPO: temp rose, although I'm not sure how high because I realized my thermometer was broken. Ugh. Knew O happened because I'd gotten a smiley face on my OPKs and peak on my monitor, and then surge went down
    2 DPO: nada
    3 DPO: creamy CM like woah. I actually thought it was a yeast infection, but the itchiness went away after a day and creamy CM stuck around for a few more
    4 DPO: gradually CM dried up. Felt a boob "twinge" here and there, but nothing else.
    5 DPO: cramp on left side
    6 DPO: dull ache behind left nipple at night, yawning all afternoon
    7-8 DPO: Not much...in the evening of 8 DPO I felt totally nauseated. I couldn't eat dinner, but figured it was unrelated.

    The rest are going to be 9/10 DPO, 10/11 DPO, 11/12 DPO etc., as I think I was a day off from FF but I can't be sure. SO...
    8/9 DPO: woke up to light spotting....bright red followed by a little brown. Quickly gone. Left side cramps in evening.
    9/10 DPO (Friday): More brown/red blood. Went out and bought panty liners as I had none and anticipated AF by the evening. POAS at 3 PM and got a squinter. Like...I showed it to a friend who was staying with me and she gave me a, "I think you want to see something that isn't there" look. Held my pee the rest of the afternoon and got a slightly darker line by 7 PM. FWIW: Wondfos were still complete BFNs.
    10/11 DPO: FRER is slightly darker, negative digital HPT. Still spotting from yesterday. Right before bed had a huge mass of red (like, almost filled the whole panty liner) and basically decided if I had had anything it was a chemical and I expected my period the next morning. Had a "smudge" on a Wondfo.
    11/12 DPO: Brown spotting after B.M. Positive digi and stronger FRER with SMU. Told DH:-).
    12/13 DPO: Negative digi. Went to doc and had positive blood test, even though urine test was only "slightly" positive when I was there. Sigh. Back pain. Still brown spotting.
    13/14 DPO: Temp still high, lines continue to get darker. headache. Still spotting on and off.
    14/15 DPO: Had no appetite in the morning, but very hungry at night. Back pain. headache. Positive digi.
    15/16: DPO same as day before. Took a Clearblue Weeks Estimator and it predicted me as 2-3 weeks post ovulation which is perfect. I have no idea how much to trust that test, but it seems to indicate my body is (FX FX FX) doing what it needs to. Only spotted a tiny bit.

    Sticky baby vibes to all!

  22. HolisticMama

    persimmon / 1167 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: Awww! Yay! I want to track these next month...just in case! LOL

  23. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    Bumping :). You know who you are!

  24. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    9dpo - tiniest but of pink/red spotting when I wiped once. Strong fluttering sensation on my right abdomen...like a muscle twitching but in the side of the stomach area. Felt very much like baby flutters that happen early on but again just on one side. This was such a strong feeling that I posted about it. I told my husband I had to be pregnant.

    10dpo - more strong fluttering on my right side all day

    10dpo - 13dpo - I was just exhausted. I would pass out when my LO went down for her nap which I never do. Just passed out for an hour or more.

    13dpo - tiniest bit of spotting when I wiped just once that day but it kept me from testing bc I thought AF was on her way

    14dpo - BFP!

  25. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    1 - 9 DPO- nothing special, bloated, I ate 2 jars of pickles
    9 DPO- brown stretchy discharge around 8 p.m. then nothing
    10 DPO- cramps lower, very sensitive to smells
    11 DPO- BFP

    No real symptom but bloat and super sense of smell.

  26. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    Since I obsessively stalked symptom threads during my TWWs, I thought I would add my own symptoms here, in the hopes that it is helpful to someone Sorry, it's a bit TMI, and really long. My bad. I posted this in the newbie thread, but thought it might be helpful here too.

    1-8 dpo: I really didn't have many symptoms that couldn't also be attributed to regular PMS. There were a few things that made me think something was different this cycle, though. The first was that, starting about 5 dpo, I had BMs literally every day, with some days 2 to 3 times a day. This has NEVER happened to me. I am pretty, ahem, stopped up for the most part, and usually only have 2-3 BMs in a week. At the most. So on 5 dpo when I had to go 3 times, I started to wonder.

    The only other random thing was that in the afternoon of 6 dpo, I had a weird metallic taste in my mouth for a bit. I went to the bathroom to spit, because I thought I might have bit my tongue, but there wasn't anything there. It was really strange, although possibly could have been nothing.

    Honestly, though - everything up to 8 dpo could have been PMS!

    8 dpo: Had some super, super low, very light cramps this morning. I noted in FF that they felt weird and not like AF cramps. Like fluttering almost? Got a BFN this afternoon (stupid! Why did I test?? Haha).

    9 dpo: No spotting this morning! (The past two cycles, I had spotted very lightly on CD 8 and 9.) Had very light pinching all across my lower abdomen all afternoon. This was when I thought that I might be pregnant. (I had read about people feeling pinching, so I was expecting super sharp pains, but for me, it felt more like grabbing your skin really softly with two fingers, squeezing lightly and pulling up. Almost like a bubbling feeling. It was gentle, but definitely there, and was way different from any cramps I had before.)

    10 dpo: My temp shot up. Got a super light BFP this morning. Had very, VERY slightly pink tinged cm around noon. Wouldn't have even noticed it if I wasn't scrutinizing the TP Just that one time, then it was gone.

    I'm now 15 dpo and keeping my fingers crossed soooo so so hard that it sticks! I've had tons of cramping earlier this week, although it's lighter now, and my CM increased. I've also had little bouts of queasiness, and have gotten pretty tired. And my boobs KILL. Like, it hurts to walk sometimes.

    Good luck to everyone!!

  27. HolisticMama

    persimmon / 1167 posts

    @sandy: Did I miss your announcement?! AMAZING!!

  28. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @HolisticMama: thanks we found out Monday night and I posted on the March 6+ month thread.

    Also, I had 2 temp dips at 5dpo and 9dpo...at the cover line and just above the cover line and then temps went back up

  29. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @sandy: Congrats!!

    I'm stopping by to add my symptoms now that I have a BFP!

    1-5DPO: Nothing major except I felt sooo many pinching sensations down there... Way more than usual

    6-10DPO: The thing is, I was tired, I ate a lot & I was gassy, but I was all those things normally so I really didn't want to rely on these symptoms. I was also super busy to really notice anything. My dog though, was super super attached to me 8-10DPO! So it's true, they know!

    10DPO: tested & got faint line

    11-13DPO: I def started feeling cramps, but they were lower than AF cramps and just feel different. Boobs a little tender. I had tiny 'bouts of nausea. Really feeling odd esp knowing I had a faint BFP

    13DPO: Tested again and got a blazing dark BFP (which is today). Have cramps all day long.

  30. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @snowjewelz: CONGRATS to you!!!

  31. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @snowjewelz: Congrats. Lots of BFPs!! Yay

  32. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts


  33. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    For Baby2
    1-6DPO - nothing
    6-7DPO - crazy sore boobs, couldn't hug DD because they hurt so much.
    8DPO - no symptoms BFN
    9DPO - major squinter, afternoon had implantation spotting
    10DPO - another squinter, no symptoms
    11DPO - no symptoms, squinter
    12DPO - mild exhaustion, squinter
    13DPO - BFP FRER!
    14DPO - implantation spotting

    no other symptoms until exhaustion around 5 weeks and nausea at 6 weeks.

    Good luck ladies!

  34. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    I had a TON of early symptoms, so here goes:

    2DPO - woke up with weird swollen gums (never happens)
    3DPO - Sore throat
    4DPO - Sore throat is worse, dull cramps
    5DPO - Runny nose, itchy throat (thought I was getting sick), cramps, exhaustion (restless sleep overnight), sharp right side pain, super hungry
    6DPO - cramps, sharp right side pain, super thirsty and hungry, clogged ears (I had this when I was preg with DS as well), pulling/pain to left of belly button, lower backache, bleeding gums, boob pain
    7DPO - vivid dreams overnight (unusual for me) and night sweats, cramps, sore boobs near pits, headache, hungry, really cranky
    8DPO - negative frer, vivid dreams overnight again, irritable, gassy and bloated, feeling full/cramps, nipple twinges, nausea, exhaustion - took a THREE hour nap
    9DPO - negative wondfo. woke up at night nauseated, cramps, weird bubbling tummy, boob aches, gassy, heartburn, nausea
    10DPO - negative wondfo. vivid dreams overnight again, gassy, backache, nausea off and on all day, weird lightheadedness, cramps got BAD, gassy
    11DPO - negative wondfo. Thought I was out at this point. Symptoms started decreasing. No cramps and only slight nausea and gas.
    12DPO - refused to test today. Major headache, slight nausea. Nighttime - MAJOR cramps again...I thought AF was coming since it was due the next day.
    13DPO - Woke up and AF wasn't there (it almost ALWAYS shows up right when I wake up) Positive wondfo. Positive FRER!!

    I'm now 5weeks and have major nausea and exhaustion. I've peed on many sticks lol

  35. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    So since I read this all the time (you can read into obsessively) during my TWWs I thought I would add mine to this. After close to 11 months of trying and 9 cycles here are my symptoms when I was finally KU.

    0-5 dpo - nothing... nothing at all.

    6 dpo - big cramping... almost couldn't walk cramping and couldn't eat because it made the cramping worst.

    7 dpo - my company went out for a celebration lunch (free) and it was a Chinese restaurant. For some reason I think I got food poisoning and had to go home early. It was just throwing up but a lot. I went home and rested and I felt a lot better that night. It could have been morning sickness but I talked to a few of my co-workers the next day and about half of them had tummy issues but nothing as bad as me and the rest were just fine.

    8 dpo - nothing - took a test... BFN! Stark White.

    9 dpo - this is were it gets interesting and TMI... I had diarrhea ... it sort of came out of no where but through out the day I would have the sudden urge and it would come out really watery, probably happened about 5 times that day. I thought this was really weird! This never happened to me. So I googled it, turns out to be a very rare symptom that could be happen because your body is adjusting to the hormonal change. This actually gave me a lot of hope.

    10 dpo - Feeling pretty normal but still a little bit diarrhea but not as bad as the day before. I took a test and it was BFN but then I looked at it a few hours later and there was something there. I scoffed it off as a evap line.

    11 dpo - couldn't sleep decided to take a FRER because of the evap line the day before and got a faint BFP!

    12 dpo - Very clear dark BFP on a FRER.

    I wanted to add a section for things I did different this cycle compared to my other cycles.

    In my other cycles we BDed EOD around the time FF said I might Oed but I didn't know when I Oed half the time because I only did opks early on (Cycle 3-6) then stopped. Also my cycles are super wonky between 34-46 days. This cycle we only BDed when I got a positive opk and did it 4 nights in a roll. It happened to be a 34 day cycle and I Oed on CD 20 we BDed -2, -1, 0, +1.

    This last cycle I did opks and temped. This is the first time I ever temped. It was pretty useful I thought because temping confirms O.

    I also wanted to add I'm overweight and for this cycle I decided to try eating better and walking more and trying to de-stress. I wasn't completely on top of this but I did think about it a lot and made healthier eating choices and planned activities that involved a lot of walking and just convincing myself not to stress out about things in general. I might have lost a pound or two.

    I also drank a ton of green tea the 3 days around my dark opk and BDing time.

    Also in my other cycles I used preseed but this cycle I used conceive plus instead. I am going to believe it is magic.

    Good luck everyone!

  36. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    So here goes a VERY unspectacular symptoms post

    1-7 dpo : very very sore nipples (I get these occasionally and the go the day of AF
    7-10 dpo: sore nipples completely gone, I put this down to the progesterone 400mg sups I have been on since 4dpo
    9dpo to current: TMI but the thrush outbreak from hell, actually had a bit of blood when I wiped I was that sore!
    10-11dpo: mild cramps on the evening of 10dpo and all day 11dpo (implantation)?
    12dpo: nothin but thrush.... And maybe a bit nauseous but I think I was just nervous about having to test to stop the progesterone.
    13dpo: squinter on wondfo and blaring positive that evening on FRER

    As an added note my cervix was low and very hard through most of my 2ww (you get to know it when you have to shove a pessary up there daily) but late last night I noticed it has started to go higher and more soft/ swollen.

    I do not have sore boobs and if anything have a bit of insomnia rather than fatigue...

  37. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts


  38. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    Bumping again!

  39. septca

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts

    I'll play in case it's helpful. Hoping I have another list to add soon.

    BFP #1 (healthy baby girl)
    BD timing: O-4, O-2, O-1, O, O+1
    1-3 DPO: nothing
    starting at 4 DPO: cramps, bloat, gassy, tender breasts
    starting at 7 DPO: increased thirst, enlarged breasts, extreme fatigue
    Starting at 9 DPO: skin break out, increased appetite
    BFP at 10 DPO
    My symptoms were strong starting at 7-9 DPO and stayed strong (bloat, fatigue, headaches, tender chest) through first tri.

    BFP #2 (CP)
    BD timing: O-5, O-4, O-3, O-1
    1-3 DPO: nothing
    starting at 4 DPO: cramps, bloat, headaches, pretty intense nausea
    starting at 8 DPO: skin break out, fatigue, frequent urination
    BFP at 8 DPO
    AF came on schedule at 15 DPO
    My symptoms were strongest at 7-11 DPO and then tapered off as my tests got lighter.

  40. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    I'm in the middle of my TWW...so of course, I'm symptom spotting...BUMP!

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