I know there have been a few "ghost story" threads on here, but we seemed to have had a visit yesterday so I needed to share.. so freaked out!

Back story: my BIL passed away a few years ago (at 17) before I met DH. Since then, my ILs are *constantly* having weird things happen in their home.. objects disappearing and reappearing, getting up to go to the bathroom in the MOTN and coming back to find things on their pillows, weird messages on their answering machine. Sunday evening DH and I were telling friends who were over about a pacifier that appeared out of nowhere during my ILs last visit and how strange it was (my first experience with something like this).

So.... LO has a set of nested cups - around 10 of them that nest and stack when they are upside down. She loves them! It just happens to be a toy where we can't lose any of the ~10 cups or the whole system won't work as well because they won't stack.

So I was cleaning up on Sunday before our friends came over and noticed one of the cups from the middle was missing. I spent *literally* an hour looking for it - inside cabinets, under couches, in boxes of blocks. So long that LO started saying "cup?" and looking with me. I eventually gave up and was super annoyed.

Yesterday (Monday) morning, I looked around again, including in the trash (in case LO put it in there) and told DH it was missing. He looked too and couldn't find it either.

So DH is on the phone with a friend last night while I am putting LO to sleep. I come down and he's sitting on the couch - and i see the nested cups with the missing cup sitting directly on top of the pile. I say "OH! DH! Where did you find the stupid missing cup?!?!?" and he has no idea what I'm talking about. I show him the cup is sitting on top of all the others. Neither of us found it. LO was in our sight the entire day and couldn't have put it there. I had looked that morning and that afternoon and the missing cup wasn't there. We have NO idea how it got there.

Cue freak out!

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