We did OCPT and things were going GREAT! He was telling us when he needed to go, holding it until he got to the potty, etc. and there were no accidents. I was so thrilled!

Saturday, he had several pee accidents (though he'd had a ton of water in his new cup from Chuck E Cheese--he was ecstatic about the swirly straw) and Sunday he had a poop accident, but he'd told us he needed to go and we just didn't get him there in time. He told us like ten seconds before he pooped, if that.

Monday he had a pee accident at school and then, at home he told us he needed to go but peed in front of the potty, before I could pull his pants down.

Tuesday another pee accident at daycare and a similar pee accident (in front of the potty before I could pull his pants down--which he's fully capable of doing!)

Today a pee accident at school and a poop accident at home, where he told us but we could get to the potty in time.

He seems to WANT to use the potty, but it's like his gauge of when he needs to go is off-kilter and he's not going until he can't wait any more.

We used threats in our initial training (taking away Elmo) and those were effective then, but haven't been effective now.

Admittedly, we haven't been watching him for signs as closely or reminding him, because he'd been self-initiating so well. Maybe we need to go back to watching closely. Maybe the tons of water incident Saturday morning threw his gauge off track. Maybe he has a UTI? I have no idea.

Any advice, commiseration, or wine would be appreciated