Hi Junebugs, it has been quite a long time since we checked in with each other. I know everyone is mega busy, but I would love to hear all about your gorgeous babies, see photos and find out what everyone is up to. Plus, it is never to early to start think about all those 1st birthday parties!

If people are up for it, I was thinking that we could check in with each other every quarter or so to see what the wee ones are up to and to dish any exciting news or changes, share pictures etc. Without further ado:

Lara is 7.5 months or 33 weeks old now. She has her two bottom centre teeth and a little bit more hair. She is still EBF but is slowly getting more into solids. Right now she likes squash, sweet potato, banana and pear best.

She sleeps through the night from 7pm to 6.30am but her naps are horrible to non-existent. She is army crawling, rolling all over the place and rocking endlessly on all fours. Her crib is still in our bedroom but DH and I crash in the living room now to give her her space. We are hopefully closing on a 2 bdr apt next month so everyone should be more settled then.

She babbles non-stop and her favourite words are mama and dada. She takes breastmilk from a sippy cup now with no problems so I hope I can keep supplying it. I have been back at work for a full month now and we are doing great. I miss my girl terribly during the day, but my time with her is so much more fun because it is precious.