pineapple / 12234 posts
@babyjmama: yes!! Let's do it
Guys...what are you getting LO for their birthday? I have no idea. We are doing a photo session and she has a pretty cake ordered but that's about it. Maybe a sandbox and shoes?
grapefruit / 4819 posts
Noooooo!!!!! Our babies can't be turning one so soon!!! They need to stay little forever! Sigh, clearly they didn't get the memo, so I guess we might as well discuss birthday parties!
@HLK208: wow, you've already ordered a cake?! I'm impressed! I was thinking about a gift for her, but honestly, I think DH and I are leaning towards not getting anything. She has so much stuff and anything she needs or we really want her to have, we just buy at the time. So yeah, we might be those parents who don't get our child a present - this year! Once she's older, we will definitely get her some birthday presents....and Christmas presents, we didn't get her anything for Christmas this past year either. Poor child.
Anyway, what's everyone doing for a theme? I had been thinking a rainbow theme (not rainbows themselves but just the colour scheme) but we were gifted some super cute pink striped straws and some party bunting in non-rainbow colours (pinks, light green, light blue, magenta, purple - basically everything that could possibly clash with a rainbow), so now I'm leaning more towards a girly bubbles theme. Or not really going with a theme, just building off the decorations we have and adding bubbles as E loves bubbles!
What's everyone else thinking?
grapefruit / 4136 posts
Honestly, gifts from us will be kind of sparse because I know he's going to get insanely spoiled. A friend of mine (actually we met through WB!) is a photographer and she's coming to visit for his bday and doing a smash cake shoot! EEK!
@Ree723: I love the idea of girly bubbles, SO cute! We're doing a monster theme. I'm SO friggin excited. It's going to kick ass hahahaha
Here's my plan (and below you'll see what my implementation will look like)
pear / 1699 posts
@pregnantbee: I can't believe how fast this year went! It's bitter sweet planning the first birthday party!
@babyjmama: I LOVE that theme! So cute! How's J doing?
@ree723: I really like the girly bubble colors...I hope to be able to use them for a future daughter (fingers crossed!) - I think I'd use that color scheme for the nursery!
@hlk208: we are getting Joel a chair. Not sure which one yet but something comfy and his size I love the sandbox idea!
We're doing a cake smash photo shoot today at 1! I've attached a pic of the cake I made...I'm so excited! I hope to have the pictures back soon! His party will be Sunday brunch theme (if that's a thing) with balloons/streamers in primary colors.
I'm on IG - chachacharity1 if any of you want to add me I'd love to see you're LOs
grapefruit / 4819 posts
@babyjmama: I just showed that to DH and we can't stop laughing!!!! I told him that will totally be what E's rainbow cake turns out like if I decide to make one and that's thrown us into even bigger fits of laughter. i know it's bedtime for us and we're a bit overtired, so maybe we're finding a bit too much humour in the picture, but seriously, you made our night! And on a more serious note, I love the idea of a monster theme, so cute!
pineapple / 12234 posts
@Ree723: lol, I know, it's hard to think of them as older babies or TODDLERS soon (whaaaat).
We don't have a theme really, just decorating in light pink and silver + a birdie cake. I'll post a photo of her b-day outfit.
@babyjmama: hahahaha, those cupcakes! Yours will be way cuter
@Mrsjets: pretty cake!! Good job! I'll follow you on IG! I thought about an anywhere chair but I never got one for my first and I feel kind of guilty haha.
grapefruit / 4136 posts
@Mrsjets: I just requested you on IG Good luck on the smash cake shoot! That cake is adorable! You got skilz!
J is doing awesome. He's walking (!!!) and super active. He's gotten so fun though, his personality is really coming out. I just can't believe he's almost 1!!!! Eep!
@Ree723: Isn't that hilarious?! It's totally going to happen and I'll post my pinterest fail for all of you to see
@HLK208: Okay seriously? You're ALMOST making me want to have a girl with that outfit and I KNOW her bow is going to rock my face off. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I just want to squish her. In a good way, not a creepy way. Well, maybe a little creepy...
grapefruit / 4717 posts
It's so great to hear from all of you. I still can't believe we all have babies who are almost 1! Crazy. Just me, or did the year fly?
@Mrsjets: That cake is amazing. I'd be thrilled if I could make one that looks half as good. How did the shoot go??
Oh, and in case you're all wondering who the random IG request has been lately, that's me. My IG username begins w/ u and ends with b. I'm not sure yet how comfortable I am sharing photos of LO there, which is why my feed is so boring -- I'm sorry!
My LO's bday party will be on June 22. Came up with a "circus dogs" theme, and I'll be using our own dog to make dog silhouettes in "circus" poses (tightrope, on a ball, etc.). Will use them to decorate the room and perhaps as little tags on the cake or something. I plan to get a tux "ringmaster" onesie for LO. I may make a little smash cake for him, but will buy a bigger one for guests, as anything I make would surely look like a Pinterest flop like the one @babyjmama posted! I haven't actually done or purchased anything yet, except make the dog silhouettes!
I don't think we'll be doing any presents specifically for LO, as, like @Ree723, we just buy him whatever we want whenever we want. I also really loved Mrs. Tictactoe's idea of asking guests to bring toy donations for the hospital instead of presents for LO, so that's what I'm going to ask for, too.
I'm STILL debating the best time for having it, as his naps keep shifting around. I honestly don't know when he'll be sleeping in a month. I'm debating having it from either 1-3 or 2-4. Not too many kids will be at the party, but one of the kids does have a naptime at 3, so I also want to try and accommodate that.
Otherwise, he's a happy baby who is just thinking about crawling now. He does an adorable army centipede crawl, but not a proper hands/knees one. He does get on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth, but hasn't figured out the rest. He will pull to standing if I place him in front of his crib and help give him a little boost. He has 4 teeth, and I'm thinking #5 and 6 are right around the corner! He's also still captivated by books, which makes this Librarian mama really happy.
I am sharing photos of LO through my iPhone's photostream. If you have an iPhone or iPad and the latest iOS and you're interested in being included, send me your associated email address, and I'll invite you. (Maybe post as Gold on my wall if you want to keep it private??) LO's name begins w/ C, and mine begins w/ W
ETA: Yikes. Didn't realize this would be a book!
pear / 1699 posts
@pregnantbee: I love the circus dog theme - so original and cute! Make sure to post a few pics, I'd love to see how it all comes together. Making the smash cake was actually really easy I just divided a cake recipe into 3 - 6" rounds and then cut the tops off and iced them upside down. I'll post a pic of it midway. You could so do it!
@babyjmama: J's walking! Woot! It's so crazy how much more exhausting it is once they learn, hey?! I've started taking Joel to the park at the school two houses down every afternoon to burn some of that energy.
@hlk208: that's the cutes tutu ever! I so hope we get a girl!
The cake smash went pretty well, Joel took a while to get into it and then lost interest after about 5 mins. So we spent a lot of time trying to stop him from running around the room and direct him towards the cake. There was a lot of blue icing to clean up Luckily our photog said she got some great pics! I hope she gets them to us soon! Here is a pic of the set - before and after - I wish I would have captured an iPhone pic during...
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
Yay! First birthday updates!! I'll respond to everyone tomorrow when I'm on my computer.
We're doing a ladybug theme and I have a red and white dress with ladybugs on it for her to wear. We are having her party on June 8th, 3 days before her birthday. It will be from 4-6 so we can have dinner. We're doing burgers and dogs, sausages and peppers and onions. Mom is making coleslaw and potato salad and we'll have chips and dips. Plus cake. Yay!
eggplant / 11824 posts
Oh man, I can't believe our little babies are not little anymore!!! This year has *flown* by!
E is having her 1st bday party on her actual bday; June 8th from 2-whenever. It's going to be a Peter Rabbit theme and so far I've gotten the invitations and a bunch of vintage china pieces on the cheap at Goodwill that seemed "peter rabbitish" to me. I also picked up some bunny statutes after Easter.
Here's the pinterest board of inspiration pics and her invites
grapefruit / 4671 posts
Woohoo! Birthday party planning, so exciting! I can't believe the wee ones are almost one. It is surreal. Gives new meaning to the concept of time flying. I will post properly tomorrow when I have stopped panicking about how far behind I am in party planning.
grapefruit / 4819 posts
@yoursilverlining: Oh my gosh, that is so cute! E's nursery is Peter Rabbit themed - I love everything about it. Be sure to post pictures after the party as I can't wait to see them!
@HLK208: I can't wait to see Elly in her little outfit! She is going to be so darn cute! Did you have that made specifically for the party or did you plan the party around her outfit? Regardless, I bet it's all going to be adorable!
@Mrsjets: that cake looked awesome! Can't wait to see the actual cake smash pictures! By the way, since you're clearly awesome at making cakes, are you interested in flying to Australia and making E's cake for me?!?
@pregnantbee: Your circus dogs theme sounds awesome!!! So creative and original! C will be so cute in his little ringmaster "tux", can't wait to see those pictures either! As for the time of the party, I'd just do it at whatever time works best for you. It's too hard to try to coordinate around other kids' nap times, and really, having an early/late nap or skipping it altogether to attend a special occasion isn't the end of the world, is it? Ha, says me with no experience yet of toddler naps! It's very thoughtful of you though to try and work around everyone's schedules.
I'm still all over the place with E's party but really have nothing done/planned. I don't even know who's going to come to it as we've just moved to Darwin and have no family or friends here. We've become friendly with the family of DH's one coworker who is up here now, and apparently a few more of the guys and their families (who we know and get on well with) should be up by the end of June. So if that works out, we'll hopefully have twelve adults and six children under the age of three at the party. If not, well, it might just be DH and I with our baby.
Anyway, whinging aside, I have found some new inspiration for E's cake ('cause she will have a cake, even if we don't have a party) right here on HB! I'm drooling over the first cake, the white one in the second row, and the pink ruffle cake in the fourth row. I love them all but think they might be just a bit beyond what I am capable of doing in the kitchen!
Any thoughts? I'm generally a good baker but the decorating techniques might be beyond me!
ETA: pictures of the cakes - I hate clicking on links and would rather see pictures in a thread so if anyone else is like me, here you go!
grapefruit / 4671 posts
@Ree723: Whoa, random. I have a couple of these saved to an inspiration style to see if a bakery can do something like this for L because my 'theme' and it isn't really a theme is shades of peach, coral and pink.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@Mrsjets: Thanks! Will post a couple photos after it happens. It would help if I actually did anything for it! You make baking a cake sound so easy. I'm just....not a baker. My KitchenAid mixer is still in its box from our wedding 3 years ago. Can't wait to see your photos from the smash!
@mediagirl: Ladybugs! So cute. Love BBQs. Sounds like her party will be lots of fun.
@yoursilverlining: I loved Peter Rabbit as a kid. Will be such a lovely theme. Nice planning re: getting bunny things after Easter in preparation!
@Ree723: Now I just have to actually find a onesie tux that doesn't cost a ton of money! And, you know, do anything else to get ready for the party. At this point, our guests will be staring at each other at our house. It's definitely hard to coordinate around others' schedules, so I'm mostly focused on our own....but he's been all over the place, so who knows when he'll want to sleep that day. I may have to cut a nap short so he can make it to his own party
How did the move go? Tough to be in a new place right at a big milestone. I hope you end up with the kind of party you want for E, but if not, just the 3 of you sounds lovely, too. Those cakes are gorgeous!! I'm nowhere near that talented.
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