My 7 month old has been getting increasingly distracted while nursing, but we've been mostly ok. Then on Friday night, when I went to nurse her at 2am, she suddenly wouldn't latch at all. She just arched and screamed and cried. I kept trying and eventually she latched. Saturday was hit or miss. A few times she refused to nurse completely so I had to pump and give her a bottle. Yesterday and today, she has been nursing but she seems to hate it. She latches for a minute, then pulls off and screams. It is awful! She will take a bottle no problem, and she seems obsessed with her pacifier.

She is getting over a bad cold (was home from daycare with a mild fever Thu/Fri) plus I know she is desperately trying to crawl so she has been fussy in general lately. I thought maybe she was teething but I still can't see or feel anything.

Anyone experience something like this? I'm not sure how to handle it, if I should keep trying to nurse or give her bottles instead. I haven't called the pedi yet but I probably will if it continues.