*Not sure if "aggressive" is the appropriate word here but not sure what else to use*

LO has started obviously trying to hurt us as of this week and I don't know how to handle it. He would do things before that would hurt, but it seemed to be on accident..now there is no doubt about it haha

He will reach up for your face and grab your lips/eyes/nose/facial hair/nose ring/etc and rip the shit out of it. He gets this look on his face just before he does it, so you know it's coming..but it's also obvious that he's doing it to be mean.

When he's on your lap and decides he doesn't want to do XYZ anymore he will throw himself backwards as hard as he can into you..usually hitting me full force in the throat, chest or face and it seriously knocks the wind out of you sometimes!

Then there is the dog..oh, the poor dog. He will reach out and pet her face for a second and then YANK. She has no idea what's going on so she gets scared and takes off.

Whhhyy is he doing this!? I don't know how to discipline him for that other than a firm "No!" and pulling his hand away or setting him beside me vs. on my lap. More than once I've grabbed his arm out of reflex because no matter how often I cut his nails..those suckers are sharp.

Anyone else deal with this? Did it end? How do you stop it!?
I thought he was just doing it to me and DH but he tried to rip my sisters nose ring out this weekend and today tried to gouge my dads eyeballs out.

wtf kid!