Just a vent!

So last night DH and I are sitting in the living room watching TV, I'm rocking LO in the chair, nursing him to sleep and suddenly outta nowhere something -plops- on his back. At first I'm like *huge bug* then I realized *that's a freaking brown bat*, flung it off him and handed a screaming LO to DH and shooed them out so I could box it and take it outside to the garden.

I don't think my heart has ever beat THAT fast @_@

I use to work for a wildlife rehabilitation center, so I have some experience with capturing wildlife, but I'm NOT cool with wildlife falling onto my kid in the dark!

Now there's a 2nd bat in the apartment and I cannot for the LIFE of me capture it. It actually had some attitude towards me (like chasing after me, lunging) and my former boss (the wildlife rehaber) wants me to bring it in after I capture it because she's concerned it could be rabid. Grrrreat. Especially since there's more than likely a colony of bats in the attic!

It's up high and I can't get close to it so we're hanging out at my in-laws while I wait for my landlady to call me back so I can get her help (and a ladder). Our apartment is sooo messy (I've been working 2 jobs and haven't a chance to do anything, plus I'm in the middle of purging/organizing/unpacking closets, the tub isn't draining now and smells like a pondy, ugh) so I'm embarrassed about having her come up with it being so gross. But this bat has got to GO. Then we can duct tape the door to the attic and secure the windows to ensure no other winged visitors.

Oy, what a day.