Hello everyone,

I am currently 7 months pregnant with my first baby and I am reading the "On Becoming Baby wise" book that I got from my sister.
According to this book, it is possible to get baby to sleep through the night by 8-12 weeks. My maternity leave (from a demanding job) is only 2 months long so that would be amazing for me if my baby could sleep for at least 5 hours through the night by then.

Basically the premise of the book involves a few concepts:
-Feeding approx every 2.5 to 3 hours instead of demand feeding to keep baby on a schedule
-Trying to keep your baby awake during feedings instead of nursing to sleep to make sure they are getting a full feeding and not just "snacking"
-Keeping your baby on a "eat-wake-sleep" routine
-Trying not to allow your baby to become overdependent for sleep on any one prop (rocking, slings, pacifiers, etc).
-Putting the baby in the crib when he/she is still awake so they learn to put themselves to sleep.

Anyone have any experience with using these methods or something similar and getting your baby to sleep at night for long stretches at 2 months?

Thanks in advance!