Long story short - my LO is almost 13 months old and still has a hard time with any solids, even purees. He has low tone and does PT for that and mild gross motor delays. We've been doing both PT and feeding therapy with a speech therapist for about 2 months. We're seeing great progress in PT, but very little with feeding. He gags much less now with solids, but it still happens maybe every other meal. He also enjoys mouthing solids that he can just taste, like thicker sticks of raw carrot. But in terms of actually ingesting food, at most meals he has maybe 2 or 3 bites of food and mostly plays. I'm getting pretty stressed about it because I don't know what else to try. Has anyone had experience with this? What kind of feeding therapy helped? I just can't sit through one more meal where he plays around for 20 minutes and eats maybe 2 cheerios