The last couple times we've taken my LOs (14 months) out to eat, our waiters have asked if I wanted a children's menu for them. They have been delayed in moving entirely to solids (although they do very well now) and are still iffy about certain textures. I usually bring food for them (as clean of items as I can - like plain noodles, cheese, Cheerios, peas, so we don't make a huge mess), but do you think it's rude not to buy them food from the menu at this age? They've never eaten things like chicken nuggets or hamburgers, but they will eat peanut butter sandwiches and steamed veggies which I know are on the children's menu at the restaurant we frequent. We're going out for dinner tonight... Would you feel obligated to order something from the menu or just keep packing a meal for them? When did you make the switch for your LO?