Hellobee Boards


August POAS

  1. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @banana330 He's being so sweet this month, so committed to making this happen. He has seen me weeping, questioning my body, my frustration every month for the last year when my period comes. So he's doing what he can to make this dream come true for both of us. Asking about my temps. Making sure I take my vitamin. He wants to do it twice a day but I'm a busy lady and I just don't know if that's realistic, or necessary even.

  2. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @bizwitch: that's is sweet. I've read every other day is good for quality and to prevent burn out.

  3. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    @Banana330: not sure how to link charts. I will attach a screenshot.

  4. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    8/5? MommySLP
    8/8 MissLace
    8/10 Emsmems, Revel
    8/11 psw27
    8/12 littleblessings
    8/13 Banana330, Bibliolove
    8/17 abbydabbydoodlebug
    8/19 peachykeen
    8/26 bizwitch

  5. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    Cycle Day: 16
    TTC Cycle: 2
    Ovulation Date: who knows... I got my IUD out at the end of May and my last cycle was a week short so I'm still figuring things out.
    POAS Date: 8/12
    Baby #: 3
    What's up this month: Just chasing my big kids (3.5 and 1.5) around and enjoying the summer sun!

    My favorite summer dessert is a mint chocolate chip cone with chocolate sprinkles. Yum!

  6. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @littleblessings: Hmm you have lots of open circles meaning your temps could be off. Maybe you caught you missed the start of your surge with the OPK and O'd soon after? It's giving you solid crosshairs so that's good. Fingers crossed for you.

  7. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    Joining!! I really hope to POAS this month!!

    Cycle Day: 13
    TTC Cycle: 2
    Ovulation Date: not sure, I don't have consistent cycles. But FF is telling me the 18th
    POAS Date: 8/31
    Baby #:2
    What's up this month: I completely weaned from nursing LO#1, and I got my period 2 days after weaning! So hopefully my body will now have a normal cycle!! 'm temping, and that's pretty much it.
    For Fun - What is your favorite dessert? cheesecake! or frozen custard!

  8. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @littleblessings: your chart looks a LOT like mine did when I got pregnant with LO. I think BD on O+1, 2, 3 still gives you good odds - I'm no expert though!

  9. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    @Banana330: thank you. I'm hoping!!!!
    @psw27: well that gives me hope knowing it looks like a cycle you ended up pregnant. *sigh of relief*

  10. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    Cycle Day: 13

    TTC Cycle: 4th NTNP

    Ovulation Date: not sure, as my cycles are still wonky postpartum. Fertile week is 8/6-8/10

    POAS Date: AF is due 8/19

    Baby #:2

    What's up this month: Im still perfectly happy ntnp, but DH would like to more actively TTC. He is definitely ready for baby #2. I adamantly didn't want two under two, and now that they'll be at least two years apart minimum, I'm okay to try a little more.

    For Fun - What is your favorite dessert? cheesecake, ice cream, anything sweet basically!

  11. MenagerieMama

    pear / 1547 posts

    Cycle Day:
    TTC Cycle: 6
    Ovulation Date: 8/10?
    POAS Date: 8/20
    Baby #: 2
    What's up this month: still doing opks, trying not to get discouraged
    For Fun - What is your favorite dessert? any baked good with chocolate

  12. MommySLP

    apricot / 431 posts

    So I took a FRER this morning & for some reason No lines showed up!!! Not even the contro!! Ugh!! of course it was my last one & I wasted FMU. Guess I'll wait til tomorrow!!

  13. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @MommySLP: that's crazy! Call them they should be able to send you a coupon or something

  14. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @MommySLP: what a bummer! Definitely update us, i think you're the first one to test this month!

  15. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    YOU GUYSSSSS! I'm so excited because I have just spotted my first fertile CF! It is eggwhite in texture and stretched to over an inch between my fingers! We BD'd yesterday morning and though husband wanted to this morning I was too tired. Now I'm regretting it! Will BD again tonight despite the fact that we have a friend in town who we are taking to the Greyhound station at midnight. We will find that 10 minutes somewhere! Haha.

    I am hoping that two BDs within a 36 hour window with fertile CF smack in the middle will lead to good news! Eeeee!!!

    I forgot to do an OPK yesterday (CD 8) but will be sure to do one tonight when I get home.


    (Sorry for my insane excitement but I haven't spotted fertile CF since I read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" a few months ago. I am starting to think that maybe I do not ovulate every month and that when I do ovulate, it's way earlier in my cycle than most women do.)

  16. MommySLP

    apricot / 431 posts

    @Banana330: @Revel: think it would be worth it to try tonight if I hold it for awhile? I think I'm 9DPO so maybe still early. Maybe I'll try anyways 😛

  17. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    Hopefully I'll be joining the poas board for next month!

  18. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @MommySLP: I'd wait until tomorrow morning... 9DPO is early for a with afternoon urine.

  19. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    So I am joining this out of possible severe emotional support. And also to be supportive of everyone else. Looking at you fellow June 2015 mamas @MrsBrewer: @dc yoga bee:

    I am in a possible tww of feeling 80% sure I'm pregnant or the reminder is thinking I might be crazy. We haven't been super actively trying, just more being off and on cautious. I know it's too early to test though. My concern really comes from the fact that I've had recurring miscarriages trying to conceive my first son and when I went on progesterone was when it finally stuck! So in not putting a lot of planning into it, is making me super anxious if I am pregnant. Doctors say to keep testing and see what happens.

    I feel confident I should know either way by 8/13, so that's my POAS date.

  20. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Eko: do you have progesterone now? I had a few losses before my DD and went on progesterone and baby asprin before conceiving her. When I got my IUD out I got the progesterone prescription from the doc. He said I could take it from 3dpo or from 14dpo. We weren't really trying this cycle so I'm not taking it but starting next cycle I will. No harm in starting it now.

  21. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @Banana330: I don't! That is was is kind of nerve wracking. I started taking it like 3 or 5 dpo and took it through week 10 or something with my son. He was just sooo planned so I wasn't sure if I could start the progesterone later. My dr. wants to wait for a positive test before doing anything. whelp.

  22. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @Eko: Heeeyyy! Eek, that's exciting!! fingers are crossed for you!

    So I'm on CD 14, and I thiiiiink my temp is just starting to rise! I'm getting excited. But not too excited because I know it could totally be a fluke. Happy though too because DH and I dtd last night. So if my temp is going up, I think that would be pretty good timing!

  23. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Eko: We did 3dpo with my dd too. I don't think waiting 11 days could make that much difference if the pregnancy is viable. Lots of people get on it as soon as they find out. fingers cross for you. Keep busy until testing date! Argh I forgot how crazy the TWW makes you!

  24. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @MrsBrewer: FX for you friend!!

    @Banana330: I just had that same thought. I was like oh man i forgot how much the TWW suckkkkssss..

  25. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    8/5 MommySLP
    8/8 MissLace
    8/10 Emsmems, Revel
    8/11 psw27
    8/12 littleblessings
    8/13 Banana330, Bibliolove, Eko
    8/17 abbydabbydoodlebug
    8/19 peachykeen, dc yoga bee
    8/20 MenagerieMama
    8/26 bizwitch
    8/31 MrsBrewer

    @bizwitch: yayyyy FX!!!!!

  26. combatlibby

    coffee bean / 45 posts

    Cycle Day: 18
    TTC Cycle #: 3
    Ovulation & POAS date: OV ?? POAS 8/15 if at all
    Baby #: 2
    My plan this month: I only just decided today that we should TTC after a negative in January. I've likely missed OV so I'm certain nothing will come of tonight's BD. After work, I'm off to the store to buy a new BBT, soft cups, and guaifenesin. I've tried Evening Primrose Oil for my last sucessful pregnancy and my friend suggested guaifenesin this time around. She's now 9 weeks pregnant and we had planned to be belly buddies so I need t play catch-up
    Favorite dessert: peach cobbler

  27. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @combatlibby: What dosage of evening primrose oil did you take? 500mg?

  28. combatlibby

    coffee bean / 45 posts

    @bizwitch: EPO 1500mg per day from last day of menses to first sign of OV. Then I switched to Flaxseed Oil for a week (days 14-20). It's crucial not to take EPO past ovulation, but this process worked on the first try for my last pregnancy. My CM was hostile and I didn't want to try Clomid only to make things more dry.

    My friend is swearing by Mucinex (guaifenesin 600mg) in combination with soft cups after BD. I'm willing to try!

  29. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @combatlibby And the soft cups? What's that about? To keep the fertile CF there until you can BD again?

  30. Clementine12

    apricot / 322 posts

    Coming out from lurking to join... hello!

    Cycle Day:
    TTC Cycle: 5
    Ovulation Date: 8/15-17?
    POAS Date: 8/27
    Baby #: 1!
    What's up this month: We just celebrated our 4th anniversary and are planning a long weekend around when I should ovulate - hopefully that brings some good luck!
    For Fun - What is your favorite dessert? Tiramisu

    A few months ago we switched from being pretty casual about this whole venture to actively trying. If this is not our month, I will try next month with OPKs. I can normally feel ovulation. I really thought last month would be it!

  31. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @Clementine12: welcome!!! Hope your stay is short and sweet

  32. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @Eko: hiiii! We've got your back! So, i didn't start taking progesterone until 14 dpo, when the re discovered it was only 11. Are you hoping for a positive?!?

  33. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    @littleblessings: can you add me to the POAS list? (8/12)

  34. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @dc yoga bee: That's really reassuring! I am hoping for a positive. We've been going back and forth about having another.. mostly wanting one, but really hard to make the same commitments a second time. The colic was just so crazy.. I know you know how that is. So, it would be nice if we didn't actually have to make the choice and just sort of happened. haha.

  35. Clementine12

    apricot / 322 posts

    @Eko: Thanks! FX for you

  36. combatlibby

    coffee bean / 45 posts

    @bizwitch: My friend it is peace of mind to "keep the sperm in" after BD. I laughed, but I'm obviously trying it.

  37. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @combatlibby Ha! I have never heard of it. I usually just lay with legs up the wall for 20 minutes or so since we typically BD in the morning and my husband has to get up for work before I do.

  38. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @Eko: YES!! I think that's part of the reason I'm not hardcore tracking and what not this time. I am more comfortable ntnp, and DH wants to actively TTC.

  39. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    8/5 MommySLP
    8/8 MissLace
    8/10 Emsmems, Revel
    8/11 psw27
    8/12 littleblessings, MrsF
    8/13 Banana330, Bibliolove, Eko
    8/15 combatlibby
    8/17 abbydabbydoodlebug
    8/19 peachykeen, dc yoga bee
    8/20 MenagerieMama
    8/26 bizwitch
    8/27 Clementine12
    8/31 MrsBrewer

    Does everything look right?

  40. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @littleblessings: big list this month, that's awesome!

    I'm just hanging out at 5 dpo, not much to report, except DD was up last night with a GI thing, apparently going around. Really hoping I don't come down with it because the timing in my cycle is no good- if we had luck this month, would illness around implantation be a bad thing?

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