Two weeks ago I put 23 invitations in my daughter's pre-k classrooms (there's 2 rooms) for her birthday party later this month, with a deadline to RSVP by May 6th. A total of 3 people have RSVP'd for either yes or no. WTF? Granted, there's still 5 more days to the deadline but I'm doubting I'll get a rush of emails/phone calls this week. The party is at a play place with an extra charge for over 15 kids, so I didn't invite other friends because I didn't know how many school friends would come. Now I don't know if I should just go ahead and invite others, or if 20 schools kids are going to randomly show up.

In your experience, have lots of school friends shown up at a party if they didn't RSVP? Have you had problems with people not RSVPing at all?