My daycare lady keeps upping the size of bottles she gives J. He's up to 5 oz bottles at 3 months. I think she's doing it so she doesn't have to feed him as often. He was there from 8-4:45pm and he had 3 - 5 oz bottles. He nurses at home, I never pump 5 oz so he's not getting that much.

Does it matter? Should I care? How much do your little ones eat at daycare?

Also its a stretch for me to get 15 oz pumped at work I normally get around 12 which worked because she fed him 3 - 4 oz bottles. She tells me he finished every drop which while fine doesn't mean he's hungry. He's a 15 lb 3 month old, he likes food. Also she doesn't do paced feedings which I should push but I don't. He's not EBF so any deficit is formula.