Well, I'm officially full-term as of this past Friday, and although my official due date is still 17 days away (but who's counting?) I know that at this point I could really go into labor at any time.

So even though I may not have an answer for another few weeks (please come sooner McBebe!), I've been thinking about doing this poll for a while and wanted to go ahead and get it out there, just in case s/he decides to come early (we're ready to meet you!)

Heartbeat: Consistently between 135-145

Timing: We had sex one time, two days before ovulation.

Ring on the Necklace: Girl

Morning Sickness: Never TOO bad, but never regained my appetite and am still throwing up on a fairly regular basis.

Cravings: 1st trimester-oranges, 2nd trimester-asparagus, 3rd trimester-watermelon

Acne: OMG I feel like a teenager again!

Chinese Gender Chart: Girl

My gut: Girl

DH's gut: Boy

My mom's gut: Girl (which I'm only including because she apparently knew I was pregnant a week before I did, even though we hadn't talked, and she lives across the country so she hadn't seen me or anything. When I called to tell her I was pregnant, her response was "I know, what took you so long to tell me?" (Um, I just peed on a stick about 4 hours ago??)

Other friend and family votes: A 2-1 ratio of girl to boy

36 week and 37 week pictures:

So what's your guess? Is McBebe a HE or a SHE?

ETA: Forgot to add the poll option, derp!