I'm having a really hard time breastfeeding right now. Currently somewhere between confused, heartbroken, and resentful that no one warned this first-time mom just what a pain breastfeeding could be. I need to vent.

To sum up my experience thus far with my 1 month old...

We started off with latching issues, used a nipple shield for a short time, damaged the left nipple, transitioned to the breast... and then finally burning/pain in both breasts.

I just visited a lactation consultant earlier this week who addressed our biggest issue of positioning. After feeling elated when my son latch with a deep, wide latch, we some how managed to undo the good work quickly when we got home. I'm now sporting blisters and decent pain with both breasts, and can't seem to get him to keep his mouth wide open. I've discovered he really likes to ram his tongue upward to press my nipples in to the roof of his mouth, thus pinching it and creating a nice burning sensation.

So now I sit here and constantly debate with myself. Did I create these problems by giving him a paci too early? Is the slight tongue-tie the LC found to blame? Does he just need to grow a little more to latch better? Am I still holding him incorrectly? A combination?

There is so much more in my head that I just want to rant about this but I'll stop there. I'm sure I'm not the first woman here to feel helpless about breastfeeding.

Maybe some of you can offer advice or some light at the end of the tunnel. I just wish I knew if I'm supposed to keep going or give in to pumping. Thanks in advance for any words you can offer.