Has anyone else been following this case? In a nutshell, a star swimmer Stanford student is caught sexually assaulting a woman behind a dumpster. Literally, caught in the act by two other guys who chase him down, tackle him and call the cops. He's convicted by a jury of three felonies, which would normally carry a minimum sentence of two to three years....and the judge gives him six months, saying, "a prison sentence would have a severe impact on him." (Duh). I'm sure it's entirely unrelated, but the judge is also a Stanford alum/athlete.

The basic story: http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2016/06/04/us/ap-us-ex-stanford-swimmer-rape.html?_r=0

The victim's powerful statement: https://www.buzzfeed.com/katiejmbaker/heres-the-powerful-letter-the-stanford-victim-read-to-her-ra?utm_term=.gw7WvwkMQ#.khqAB0vL7